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28 Cards in this Set

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Why did the population of Europe decline in the 17th century ?

there was malnutrition, warfare, and serfdom


What were the major causes of witch trials throughout Europe, and why did they decline in numbers?

religious uncertainties and social conditions

declined due to loss of belief

What was the cause of the outbreak of the Thirty years war?

What were the 4 phases, and where did most of the fighting take place ?

Protestants were rising,

religion bohemian, Danish,

Swedish and French.

Most fighting took place in Germany and lands of the HRE

What were the terms of the treaty of the treaty of Westphalia?

Which territories gained independence, and how much power did the HRE gain/lose?

A: ended thirty years war

recognized sovereignty

excluded the pope and peace of Augsburg.

United provinces and Switzerland gained independence


Which country became dominant in Europe by the end of the thirty years war?

A: France because they benefited from the weakening of the HRE and Hapsburg

King Louis XIV

What did Cardinal Richelieu see as the biggest threat to a strong monarchy in France?

A: The Huguenots

What are absolutism and divine right monarchy ?

A: Absolutism- Belief that power belongs to one absolute ruler

Divine-right: Belief that kings were chosen by God to rule

How did the French Nobility attempt to fight back against Cardinal Mazarin and the Crown ?

They fought in Groups

revolted: ( the Fronde )

What was the purpose of the palace at Versailles ?

To keep the nobility in and take away their power.

Why did Louis XIV engage in so many wars throughout his reign?


louis fought in a lot of wars to achieve military glory and to ensure domination of his bourbon dynasty

What was the cause of the war of Spanish Succession?

Which treaty ended the war, and what was the outcome?

A: the cause was from the uncertainty over the heir of Charles II

the treaty of Utrecht ended it

The outcome was that Phillip II

was confirmed as king of Spain

but Spanish and French Thrones were still separated.

Why did Louis XIV issue the Edict of fountainbleau ?

A: To cancel out the edict of Nantes , and to take away the Huguenots' power

How did Frederick the William build Brandenburg-Prussia into a major European power ?


he built power by building a competent and efficient army and by making a deal with the nobles saying he and only he would control prussia

Which country exerted the most influence on Italy by the 1700's? Why ?

A: Spain

How did Peter the great attempt to modernize Russia? Which Culture did he attempt to emulate ?

Peter the great navigated Europe for about a year to seek new things, and indeed he did.

He saw the clothing that the Europeans wore, ship building, etc.

He tried emulating the style of Catholicism.

Which kingdom became the dominant country in the Scandinavian region of Europe?

A: Sweden

Why was the city of Vienna under constant threat during the 16th and 17th century?

A: it was under constant threat because he ottomans were trying to take over and conquer vienna

Which country in Europe could be seen as a "sleeping giant" throughout the 17th century?

A: The Ottoman Empire

How did the Dutch Republic rise to prominence in the 1660's?

A: due to economic prosperity and carries of european trade

Why did Charles I of England finally call parliament to sesson in 1640 ?

A: To stop Protestant revolts in Scotland

What was the purpose of the test act under Charles II ?

A: Only Anglicans could hold offices (jobs)

What was the glorious revolution and what did it do to the power of the monarchy in England ?

A: James the 2nd was replaced by William of orange and Mary, almost no bloodshed

How did the English bill of rights turn England into a constitutional monarchy ?

A: Most power was in parliament

What were the major differences between the political philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke?

A: Hobbes was with absolutism he thought people were bad and needed to be controlled while Locke was with constitutionalism and the people have right

What were the characteristics of baroque art ?

A: Dramatic, biblical, and death

art was more visual, more intensity, more vivid

Which baroque artist finished the Ecstasy is Saint Theresa ?

A: Bernini

Why is Rembrandt van Rijn considered among the greatest painters in history ?

A: He was Protestant and a catholic painter

Why did the Austrian monarchy never achieve the centralized power that occurred in Russia and France?

A: Too many different national groups