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19 Cards in this Set

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How is self understanding different in adolescents and emerging adults

Adolescents are fragmented and diverse and less self reflective

Emerging adulthood are more integrated and more realistic

When someone lacks direction in life and does not care or is not interested in figuring out what he wants to do

Identity diffusion

What are some trends we see across the lifetime and between males and females

Self esteem in adolescent girls is lower than in boys and self esteem is higher in college than in high school

What is a gender difference in emotional self regulation

Adolescent boys show less emotion regulation than adolescent girls

What type of theory is gender scheme theory


Which age group is most likely to have same gender peer groups

Middle childhood

What sexual behavior is a 14 year old male most likely to engage in


What are some benefits of abstinence only sex education class

There are none

Compared to adolescents do emerging adults have sex more frequently


If a bisexual man is diagnosed with anxiety and depression what is most likely the cause of this negative mental health outcome




Sexual scripts

Physical/emotional sex



Initiation and gateway

Sex drive

Who developed a moral perspective of justice


Who proposed a moral perspective of care


What are two criticisms of kohlbergs theory

Culture specific

Too much emphasis on moral thought

Poor methodology

Value clarification

A teacher encouraging students to express their values and learn others values

Jane is 28 and pregnant while her neighbor Mary is 15 and pregnant what are the likely differences in the health of their children

Mary’s child is less likely to receive prenatal care and more likely to be born premature

Jane is more likely to be a more competent caregiver

If you believe that to be good citizens we need to obey the laws in order to maintain social order , what level of moral development am I in

Conventional reasoning

Examples of someone displaying emotional competence

Self regulation strategy

Awareness of own emotions

Awareness of others emotions

How many cats do she have