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315 Cards in this Set

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Boundaries of the abdominal cavity
TV12 to LV5 posteriorly
Ala wings of sacrum and illeum, inferiorly and laterally (sometimes called the false pelvis)
Bony Boundaries of the true pelvis
Sacrum Posteriorly
Ischiopubic rami and ischial spines laterally.
Soft tissue boundaries
Diaphram superiorly, pelvic Diaphram inferiorly

Abdominal musculature between rib cage and pelvic girdle
skin with the ubilicus and vertebral level
LV4 and dermatome t10
Superficial fascia two layers
Scarpa's -membranous and deeper
External abdominal oblique att.
attaches from lower 8 ribs, the fibers run inferiorly and anteriorly to attach to the aponeurosis forming the external lamella of the rectus sheath
external oblique midline attachment and Inferior attachemnt-
attach to the linea alba and to crest of the illeum
Inferior extent of the external oblique gives rise to the
the inguinal ligament (form anterior posterior spine to pubic tubercle
Lacunar ligament is the
medial end of the inguinal ligament which is rolled under the spermatic cord
Pectineal ligament continues (cooper)
laterally from the lacunar ligament along the pectineal line of the pubis (Strongest ligament of the body)
The three ligamnets described are used during surgery
for anchor points during hernia repair surgeries
internal abdominal oblique att.
attaches from the lateral 1/2 inguinal ligament and to the anterior 2/3 of the illiac crest. Fibers course superiorly and anteriorly. Superior attachment is the lower 3 or 4 ribs and to rectus sheath
internal abdominal oblique abaove the arcuate line

below arcuate line
splits into anterior and posterior lamellae

entire aponeurosis courses anterior to the rectus
Transversus Abdominis
fibers begin from the lateral 1/3 of the inguinal ligament and anterior 3/4 of the of the illiac crest, from the thoracolumbar fascia, and from the lower 6 ribs.
Transversus abdominus facia and arcuate line
attaches to posterior lamellae of the rectus sheath above the arcuate line and to the anterior lamella of the rectus sheath below
Rectus Abdominis muscle mm.
a paired muscle on either side of the linea alba. Fibers run vertically, attach to the cartilages of ribs 5-7 superiorly, and the crest of the pubis inferiorly. Three horizontal tendinous intersections usually subdivide the mm. into 4 segments.
Actions of muscles of abdominal wall
compress the abdomen
Blood supply to abdomen:

what courses horizontally between the internal oblique and transversus abd. and anastomose to supply abdominal wall
the lower 5 intercostals aa., the subcostal a., and the lumbar aa. course nearly horizontal between these muslces
superior and inferior epigastric course vertically and supply the rectus abdominis mm.
yes they do, and also form an important anastomotic connection deep to the muscles
Important vein of abdominal wall
is the thoracoepigastric vein in the superficial fascia and forms important anastomosis with the lateral thoracic vv. superiorly paraumbilical, superficial epigastrics, and circumflex illiac
It is critical to know that the rectus abdominis
receives blood supply from the inferior and superior epigastric aa. This artery courses vertically then horizintally to supply the obligues.
umblicus vertebral level
L4, t10 dermatome
suprapubic dermatome
umblicus, illiac crest, and dorsal aorta bifurication
Falciform ligament
ventral mesentary derivaative that is continuous with the parietal periteneum and the anterior abdominal wall of the diaphram
Umbilical ligaments

from peritoneal folds over umb. aa

from peritoneal over urachus
not true ligaments

medial umbilical-

median umbilical
lateral umbilical ligaments
formed by periteneum overlying the inferior epigastric vessels as they course through the deep surface of the rectus
inferior epigastric aa.
are branches of the external illiac aa.
inferior epigastric vein
terminate in the exteranl illiac vein
Inguiunal Triangle
medial to the inferior epigastric muscles and is the site of a direct hernia. Leads directly to the superficial ring.
Boundaries of Hasselbach's ring
lateral-inferior epigastric vessels
medial-lateral edge of rectus abdominis m
Inferior-inguinal ligament
direct inguinal hernia
it leads directly to the superficial inguinal ring
indirect inguinal hernias
occur lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels. This is the site of the deep inguinal ring.
has kinky hairs
Dartos tunic
scrotal layer devoid of fat, but it is continuous with dartos fascia of the penis and the superficial fascia of the groin and the perineum, the thigh and the abdomen (scarpa's).
Dartos muscle
under sympathetic controlo regulates temperature of the testes.
Covering's of spermatic cord and testis
kwas 3:

exernal spermatic fascia-EAO
cremaster muscle and fascia = IAO
Internal Spermatic Fascia= transversalis fascia=deep ring
3 arteries
cremasteric a. - off inf. epigastric

testicular a. - off aorta

artery to vas deferens -off inf. vesicular
3 nerves
ilioinguinal-L1, cutaneous to skin of anterior scrotum as anterior scrotal nn.

genital br. of genitofemoral n. (l1, l2) to cremaster muscle for cremaster reflex, uses l1 for distribution to the medial thigh as afferent limb of the reflex.

autonomics to testes, dartos and to the blood vessels
3 other structures

pampiniform plexus of veins which drain the testis and give rise to the testicular v., which terminates in the left renal vein on the left or in the inferior vena cava on the right
2) ductus deferens
which is continuous with the epidymis, courses as the most posterior strucutre in the spermatic cord and joins seminal vescile
3) lymphatics
paralles venous drainage. This is why tumor metastasis from the testis is clinically very important, since it goes to the posterior abdominal wall

next cards
retroperitoneal-develops along the urogenital ridge between layers which become transversalis fascia and parietal peritoneum
processus vaginalis-is an outpocketing of peritoneum into scrotum which proceeds the descent of the testis
Descent into scrotum goes along the course of the process vaginalis through superficial and deep ingiunal rings, gaining all coverings of the cord
Descent into scrotum
D. hydrocele
is a fluid filled sac as a remnant of the lumen of the processus vaginalis
E. coverings
the testes are covered by visceral and parietal layers of tunica vaginalis
F. Efferent ducutules
15 to 20, which are continuous with the seminferous tubules at the superior pole of the testis and drain into the epidymis
G. the convulted epidymis
used for sperm storage, drains into the vas deferens, goes to ejaculatory duct through the prostrate
H. Tunica Albuginea
dense white covering which forms the capsule of the testis
Hernia follows

hernia is a protrusion into no no land
Hernia contains
periteneum enclosing a lopp of intestines

10% of population
Inguinal hernia
7:1 to male prevalence
75% of male hernias, congenital, in young males at deep ring, lateral to inferior epigastric
25% aquired in older males at superficial ring. Through inguinal canal at superficial ring. Through inguinal triangle medial to inferior epigastric
About 14% of hernias, and more common in females at region of umbilicus

1.7 to 1
5% of total hernias
more common in females than males

1.8 to 1
at obturator foramen
at linea alba
in posterior rectus sheath below arcuate line
On back of lumbar traingle
through or between muscles of pelvic diaphram
at a hiatus in diaphragm
Repair of Hernia's
necessary to prevent strangulation

Retract abdominal contents and strengthen wall

suture to pectineal or inguinal ligament
pareintal peritoneum and pain
receives same innervation as the overlying musculature; thus somatic peritoneal pain will be well localized and defined (referred c3-c5)
visceral periteneum
same innervation, vasc, and lymph as the organ it invests: relatively insensitive; vague visceral pain referred to epigastric, preumbilical, falnk, and pelvic domains derms
peritoneal formations
following cards
double layer of peritoneum reflected off dorsal abdominal wall to viscera containg neurovasc, and lymph, fat
mesentary proper
is a braod fan like mesentary suspending the small bowel to the posterior abdominal wall, obliquely from the duodenojejunal fold to the right of the illiac fossa
transverse mesocolon
dorsal mesentary to the transverse colon
sigmoid mesocolon
attaches to the sigmoid colon to the posterolateral abdomino pelvic wall
double layer extension or fold of periteneum
lesser ommentum
ventral mesenteric derivative from the lesser curvature of the stomach and duodenum to the liver
greater omentum
dorsal mesenteric, from greater curvature of the stomach, draping over abdominl viscera, and back to transverse colon mesentary
Ligament of tritz
suspends the duodenal fold from the diaphram
omental bursa
refer to picture but space behind stomach and bounded by the liver
subphrenic space
above liver and but below diaphram
paraduodenal recesses
lateral to ascending duodenum
sub hepatic space above the right kidney; frequent abcess
right border continuous with the lesser curvature, and left border with greater curvature. Phrenico-eso. ligs attach. crura function as lower esophageal sphincter . terminates in cardiac sphincter of the stomach
intra-peritoneal, cardia surrounds the cardiac orfice. refer to feits for pic:

cards below
lesser curvature:
concave, facing liver, lesser omentum associated: to porta hepatis forms ventral wall
Ligaments of the greater omentum
flaciform, coronary, triangular ligaments, -Hepatic:
Splenic: Lieno renal, gastro-splenic to right kidney and stomach
Duodenum; ligament of treitz suspending duodenal fold
Colon: phrenico colic ligment
subphrenic space
above liver below diaphram
subhepatic space above the right kidney, frequent abcess formation
paracolic gutters
lateral spaces along the asc. dsc colon
paraduodenal recess
lateral to ascending duodenum, duodenjejual fold; frequent abcess formation
lower esophageal sphincter
the crus of the diaphram
from pylorus to dudodejunal fold, c shaped loop around of pancreas; lv1-lv3,4. mostly fixed, retroperitoneal location.
Superior portion of duodenum
related to gall bladder and liver (LV1) ventrally, heptaduodenal ligament, gastrodudenal artery. common bile duct portal vein and pancreas dorsally
lv1 to lv4, covered ventrally by peritenuem. relationship with right kidney, IVC and psoasm. dorsally. Transverse colon. liver and jejunal loops are ventral. Common bile and pancreatic duct enter this portion about 7cm dorsal to the pyloric at the hepatopancreatic duct. and dudodenal papilla.
crosses lv3 lv4 area. head of pancrea superiorly.
ascends to the duodenodal flecure left of LV2 and aorta. Transverse mesocolon and lig of trietz superiorly. Sup. mesenteric passes over top.
duodenal ulcers
occur close to pylorus most in posterior wall. massive hemorhage may result by eating through wall to the pancreas, gall bladder, or pancreaduodenal arteries.
Lymphatics of duodenal region
follow the arterial circulation and drain in to the pancreatic duodenal, superior mesenteric and celiac lymph nodes.
locted in the upper right and. has larger diameter, thicker wall and more vasculature. more mucosal folds.
terminates at the illeocecal valve in cecal wall.
small bowel mesentary
contains the superior mesenteric artery and vein. visceral periteneum in this.
lacteal in mucosa drain to the mesenteric lymphs and. Abundant nea r antimesenteric border of illeum are called peyer' patches
also called the veriform appendage and contains lymphatics. Variable location in relation to the cecum
ascending colon
extends to the right colic flexure. just ventral to the kidney
transverse colon
from right hepatic flexure to splenci flexure

visceral surfaces

saggital fossae
porta hepatis-fissure for the portal vsin hepatic artery and hepatic bile duct ad lymphatics. attachemnt of heptaduodenal ligament and gastro hepatic ligament

relief for the ligamentum venosus, and the round ligament (ligamnetum teres). Boundaries of the caudate and quadrate hepatic
lobes of the liver seperated by
falciform ligamament
caudate lobe
where vena cava and and liver asscoaite
spleen impressions
gastric, splenic flexure, pancreatic and renal impressions

has a central hilum
T5-9-greater splanchnic
least t12
lumbar l1-l3
Celiac arteries
arises at t12 just caudal to the aortic hiatus, has three main forgut branches

Left Gastric artery
supplies blood to 3 organs, esophagus (via esophageal branches), stomach ( along the lesser curvature via dorsal and ventral branches which anastomese with the branches of the right gastric a.) and liver via an accesory or abberant hepatic
Splenic artery
will explain in next few what it supplies
via twig branches caterogized into dorsal pancreatic, pancreatic magna, and caudal pancreatic
via the left gastroepiploic usually the largest branch off the splenic. It courses through the pancreaticlieinal and gastrolienial ligamnets to reach the greater curvature of the stomach via the anterior aspect of the greater omentum. The short gastric aa. are 5-7 in number.-they reach the left side of the greater curvature of the stomach via the gastrolienal ligament. Here the anastomese with the left gastric and gastroepiploic.
main branch to spllen via the superior and inferior branches at the hilum.
New-Common Hepatic Artery
it courses horizontally from left to right along the superior edge of the head of the pancrea to the first part of the duodenam. It gives three branches to be discussed in next 3.
Gastro duodenal a.
branches to stomach,
duodenam via supraduodenal, alonf the superior surface of the duodenam and the superior pncreatic duodenal artery which forms a ring of anast. around the head of the pancreas and duodenum.
proper hepatic
has the right, left, and cystic branches
right hepatic-
functional right lobe of the liver,
Left hepatic
to both lobes, sometimes originates from the left gastric a
usually a branch of the righ hepatic and course through the cystic triangle either anterior or posterior(%75.
triangles of Calot
right-cystic duct, left-common hepatic duct, superior-liver
rt. gastric.
supplies the lesser curvature of the stomach and comes from the proper hepatic or common
Superior mesenteric at lv1 courses _______ to the left renal vein, the uncinate process, and _____ part of the duodenum.
Anterior to all that
inferior pancreaticoduodenal a.
anterio and posterio branches anastomose with the anterior and posterior branches of the posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal aa. around the head of the pancreas and 2nd part of duodenum.
most causal branch to the terminal illeum and cecum,
right colic
to the ascending colon.
middle colic a
first branches of the superior mesenteric.
Inferior mesenteric
left colic, sigmoid colic, and superior rectal.
left colic
descending colon
sigmoid branches
2 or 3 that supply the terminal part of descending colon and sigmoid pelvic colon
superior rectal
terminal ima that gives rise to the the anterior and posterior branches which anastomose with the middle rectal(from internal illiac) and the inferior rectal from the internal pudendal.
colic aa. and connections with clinically important ________ a. are all interconnected by
marginal artery is seen coursing near the colon.
arc of Rhiolin
interconnects the s middle collic and the left colic aa. This vessel becomes visible when the sma or ima becomes blocked. It is more proximal than the marginal artery.
common hepatic
formed by the union of the right and left hepatic ducts which drain the functional right and left lobes of the liver. Common hepatic joins with ___
the cystic duct which
supplies or drains the gall bladder and forms the _____________
common bile duct which
passes posterio to the 1st part of the duodenum and drains into the 2nd part of the duodenam in conjuction with the main pancreatic duct.
liver lies in the
right hypochondrium and superior part of the epigastrium.
right lobe of liver is divided into
anterio and posterior portions by segmental vesels and ducts. Each segment is then divided into anterior and superior
left lobe is divided
by medial and lateral segments which have superior and inferior segemnts.
caudat lobe
has left and right divisions.
portal vein formation and path
is formed by the union of the splenic and superior mesenteric veins and divides into right and left for lobes
liver innervation
liver and bile tract from sympathetic splanchnics from t7-t9. and paras from the left and right vagal truncks. Symps synapse in the celiac ganglion and innervate hepatic and portal vessels.
symps of liver are __________ to the gall blader and bile ducts
inhibitory while vagus is stimulatory
hepatoduodenal ligament
is free edge of the lesser omentum. Attaches to the hilum of the liver and contains the triad components (common bile duct, proper hepatic, portal vein,autonomics, and lymphatics. This lig. forms ant. boundary of the epiploic foramen (winslow). Inderior cava is posterior to foramen.
portal system
all major veins of the digestive tract are part of the portal system except the hepatic vein.
portal vein
breaks into radicles that end in the liver sinusoids
superior mesenteric v. drains
recieves drainage from the stomach via right gastroepiploic v.. pancreas and duodenum. all of jej. and ill., the cecum and appendix, the ascending colon. all or most of the transverse colon. Parralels the artery. End behind pancreas with splenic to form portal vein
Inferior Mesenteric
receieves the left colic, sigmoid, and superior rectal tributaries, and tus drains non sma transverse, the descending colon, sigmoid colon, and much of the rectum, plus the left part of the transverse colon.
Splenic vein
is formed by radicles from the spleen, recieves short gastric vv. and the left gastroepiploic v as it runs behind the pancreas vv. ALso recieves the inferior mesenteric vv. and ends by joining the superior mesenteric v. to form the portal vein.
Esophageal varix
blockage of blood flow through portal v. forces bloo back up into the veins around the esophagus causing them to enlarge as it flows from portal system to the azygos system. Veins involved are the eso. tribs of th eleft gastric vein.
sup rectal of inf. mesenteric -portal system, communicates with the mid and inf. rectal vv. of int. illiac and int. pudendal respectively. These enlarge.
Caput medusae
vv in the falciform and the ligamentum teres connect to the epigastric vv. on the anterior body wall and drain toward the inguinal region or the axilla.
Kidney and adrenal vertebral level
renal arteries and veins are at level
renal artery divides in kidaney to;;;;
the 5 different segmental supplying the five different lobes of the arteries

no anastomotic connections between these arteries.
segemntals of kidneys branch at the
junction of the cortex and the medulla (the arcuates) that then supply the functional unit the nephron
right gonadal v. empties
into the inferior vena cavs
left gonadal vein
empties directly into the left renal vein
psoas major muscle att.
transverse process of lumbar vertebrae, bodies and discs of t12-l5 and to the lesser trochanter of the femur
psoas inn.
ventral braches of l2, l3, l4
psoas actions
with the iliacus flexes the thigh superiorly

also w/ illacus flexes the trunk inferiorly
illacus att.
attached to illiac fossa and alla of sacrum to the lesser trochanter and shaft of femur (l2-4)
flexes the thigh and stabililzes the hip.
Quadrutus lumborum

attached superiorly to the medial 1/2 of the inferior border of rib 12 and tip of lumbar transverse process.
Attached inferiorly to the iliolumbar ligament and illiac crest.
t12-lv4. Extends and leterally flexes the vertebral column; important inspiration.
attached to lumbar vertebrae via the musculotendinous crura which define the aortic hiatus with the median arcuate ligament
lateral to the crura
are the thoracolumbar fascia
medial arcuate ligaments-

lateral arcuate ligamnets
over the psoas muscle

over the q. lumborum m.
openings in the diaphram from anterior to posterior
8 10 12
Lumbar Plexus
l1 superior branch are
iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal
inferior branches of l1 are
genitofemoral with superior branch of l2
ilioinguinal path
transverses the inguinal canal; supplies medial upper thigh and anterior part of the scrotum
genitofemoral emerges on psoas at
passes through psoas muscle, emerging on its ventral surface at the level of LV4;
genitofemoral then
descends under the psoas fasia
Genitofemoral -genital
enters the inguinal canal; supplies the cremaster
genitofemoral -femoral
goes under the inguinal ligamnent supplies skin of medial thigh
lateral femoral cutaneous


lumbrosacral trunk
l2, l3, l4


l4, l5 contributes to saccral plexus
referred pain below cards
fuckin a hairy pussy while she takes a shit is an east tennessee spahetti with meatballs
spinal nerves
referred to
=middle inf. cradiac n. and thoracic splanchnic
=t1-t4 and cervical ganglia
=arm, high/mid thorax, neck, jaw
phrenic n.
root of neck and shoulder
esophagus, stomach. liver and gallbladder, bile duct, sup. duodenum
celiac plexus, greater splanchnic
low thorax and epigastric region
inf. duodenum, jejunum, trans. colon
SM plexus, lesser splanchnic
umbilical region
kidneys, high ureter, gonads
=aorticorenal plexus, least splanchnic, upper lumbar splanch
=lumbar, inguinal regions
desc sigmoid colon, midureter, uterus
aortic plexus, lumbar splanchnics
l1, l2
pubic, inguinal, ant scrotum, labia, upper thigh
cervix, bladder, low ureter, rectum
pelvic plexus, pelvic splanchnics
leg, foot, perineum
Bony pelvis consists of the
right and left hip bone sacrum and coccyx. The hip bone consists of three parts; ilium, ischium and pubis.
pelvic brim
divides the pelvis into a greater and false pelvis.
pelvic inlet
defined the pelvic brim
pelvic outlet
is define by the boundaries of the perneum.
a diamond shaped area inferior to the pelvic diaphram, not as yet defined. It is defined into the three areas.
superficial perineal pouch
superior perineal mb., inferior-Colle's fascia (which is a continuation of Scarpa's fascia in the abdomen and Dartos fascia in the scrotum and penis).
contents of the pouch male
left and right crura and bulb of the penis. Muscles covering the erectile tissue. Ischiocavernous covering the crura and bulbospongious m. covering the bulb. ALso included is the superficial transverse perineal muscle.
Female perineal pouch
left and right crura covered by the ischiocaernous m. the bulbs of the vestibules are covered by the bulbospongious muslce. Puch also contains the the superficial transverese perinei muscles. ALso the great vestibular gland.
Deep perineal pouch or urogenital diaphram
superior- superficial fascia of the urogenital diaphragm lying just under the pelvicdiaphgram; inferior- perineal membrane or inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphgram
contents of the male deep pouch
membranous urethra, urethral sphincter muscle and deep transverese perinei mm. Also bulbouretral glands (cowper's glands).
Contents of the female deep pouch
same as male except no bulbourethral galnd and the vagina pierces this layer just posterior to the membranous urethra
penis consists of the
root and body
root of the penis

crus of penis
bulb of the penis - bulbospongius m.

ischiocavernous mm.
Body of the penis
corpus spongiusom - no muslce

corpus cavernosum-no muscle
consists of a root and a body but two vestibules surrounding the vaginal opening. Body conisists of two corpora cavernosa and a glans.
wht is different about the clitoris and penis in regards to the urethra
the clitoris not traveresed by the urethra and therefor has no corpus spongiosum
vaginas cause an increase of parasympathathetic stimulatino to smooth muscle of helicine arteries. As a result these artereis straighten their lumen and enlarge allowing more blood into the cavernous spaces. These enlarge the spaces and compress the veins draining blood from the erectile tissue to the deep dorsal vein.
after the deep dorsal vein is blocked what happens?????
the three corpora become enlarged and penis erect. After ejaculation the symps kick in and reverse these phenomenon by diminishing blood going into the erectile tissue resulting
sympathetic stimulation of smooth muscle in the deferent ducts, seminal vesicles and prostrate makes the emmisison of sperm and semen into the urethra.
Ejaculation after emmissio of sperm
results from stimulation of the bulbospongius muscle by the perineal nerve
perineum nerve supply
from the pudendal nerve. This innervates all of the muscles of the superficial and deep pouches.
Dorsal nerve of the penis
carries sensory innervation to the shaft and the glans of the penis.
internal pudendal artery and vein
supply and drain the blood from the perineum.

exceptions on the next cards
deep arteries of the penis
supply both the corpora cavernosa
arteries to the bulb
continue to carry the blood to the corpus spongiosum
single deep dorsal vein of the penis
draining to the prostatic venous plexus in the male and vesicle plexus of the female.
obturator internus muslce
attaches around the obturator foramen within the pelvis.Fibers converge and exit through the lesser sciatic foramen forming a tendon that attaches to the greater trochanter of the femur. Innervation- nerve to the obturator internus (l5, s1, s2.
piriformis muscle
attaches to the anterolateral edge of the sacrum. Its fibers converge towards the greater sciatic foramen and the tendon attaches to the greater trochanter of the femur. S1 and S2 nn.
Levator ani muscels
from the pelvic floor.
attaches to the body of the pubis and runs posterolaterally to insert into the coccyx and anococcygeal ligament.
pubococcygeus continued (muscel fibers)
puborectalis and levator prostate form from the medial fibers of this muslce/ In females this new subset from the medial fibers is pubocaginalis.
illiococcygeus m.
is a levaot ani like pubbococcygeus and attaches to the obturator fascia and the ischial spine. These muslces pass posteriorly and attach to the coccyx and annococcygeal ligament. Perineal nerve inn.
perinneal n. branch of pudendal 2, 3, 4, innervtes illiococcygeus on the
inferior surface ; the superior surface is innervated by twigs form the 3rd and 4th sacral ventral rami.
coccygeus muscle
attaches to the ischial spine and sacrospinous ligament. Its medial attachment is the coccyx and SV5. Innervation-branches of the s4 and s5 rami.
pelvic diaphgram is made by the
two coccygeus muscles and the levator ani muscles. muslces of the pelvic diaphragm support the pelvis.
ishiorectal fossa
this is a wedge shape around the base of the anal canal. Fossa is filled with loose con. tissue and fat with inferior rectal nerves, arteries, and veins crossing it in a lateral to medial direction.
ishiorectal fossa does what
allow the anal canal to expand unobstructed for defecation
boundaries of the ischiorectal canal
superior-an apex created by the attachment of the iliococcygeus ligament. to the arcus tendineous.
inferior-perinanal skin
medially-anal canal, and pelvic diaphragm
laterally- obturator muscle
two sources of NO
helicine artery endothelial cells and postganglionic parasympathetic fibers.
stops the breakdown of cGMP in the helicine arteries.
seminal vesicle
60% of fluid-contains high concentrations of fructose which acts as anenergy supply to sperm
30% of fluid, -- has alkaline buffers to help neutralize the high acidity of the vagina
bulbourethral glands
contained within the deep perineal pouches and secretes a mucilagionus substance that acts a lubricant during intercourse
male most inferior point

rectovesicle pouch

vesicuterine and rectouterine pouches (recto most inferior)
as bladder fills parasymp aff. with pelvic splanchnics reach a threshold level of activation thus initiating the spinal reflex. Parasymp motor carried by pelvic splanchnics complete the efferent limb of this reflex. The motor fibers stimulate detrusor to contract but also relax sphincter vesicle of bladder.
seminal vesicle
60% of fluid-contains high concentrations of fructose which acts as anenergy supply to sperm
30% of fluid, -- has alkaline buffers to help neutralize the high acidity of the vagina
bulbourethral glands
contained within the deep perineal pouches and secretes a mucilagionus substance that acts a lubricant during intercourse
male most inferior point

rectovesicle pouch

vesicuterine and rectouterine pouches (recto most inferior)
as bladder fills parasymp aff. with pelvic splanchnics reach a threshold level of activation thus initiating the spinal reflex. Parasymp motor carried by pelvic splanchnics complete the efferent limb of this reflex. The motor fibers stimulate detrusor to contract but also relax sphincter vesicle of bladder.
sphincter urethrae
consists skeltal muscle innervated by s234

under voluntary control
defection relfex
parasymp aff. of pel. splnchs are stretch as shit fills. this initates a reflex. para efferents then stimulate smooth muslce of the rectal wall to contract but have the opposite effect on the sphincter and internus
somatics of defecation
puborectalis m., as well as internal and external sphincters. these muslces are innervated by the perineal n. and inferior rectal nerves respectively, both are branches of the pudendal nerve. puborectalis relaxes rectum and anal canal made linear. Sphincter relaxes.
pprostate shape
somewhat conical in shape with its apex pointed inferiorly. Divided into lobes.
lobation is created by the;
relative posistions of the prostatic urethra and ejaculatory ducts.
men over 45
median lobe hypertrophies. Compromises prostatic urethra and weakens stream.
posterior lobe
most frequent site of prostate cancer. Easily palpated.
umbilical artery
remnant of the fetal umbilical artery. It retains it lumen for a short while beyond the internal illiac artery giving off the superior vesical arteries. Beyond this is the cord. or medial ligament. All below are branches of the internal illiac.
inferior vesical artery.
distributed to the bladder, the prostate and the seminal vesicle
middle rectal artery
may arise in common with the inferior vesicle artery goes to rectum and anal canal.
rectum blood supply
from the ima via superior rectal, inferior rectal from the pudendal,
renal fascia is a derivative of the
transverse alis facia
obturator artery
arises from the internal illiac and runs on the lateral wall of the pelvis to the obturator canal. Sometimes n accessory obturator goes through the canal.
internal pudendal artery
supplies the perineum. leaves through the greater sciatic foramen just superior to the ischial spine. then reneter by passing across the surface of the spine and then back thorugh the lesser sciatic foramen. goes through pudendal canal to accompany pudendl nerve.
iliolumbar a.
posterio to obturator nerve and the external illiac vessels to the medial border of the psoas major muscle. Divides into a lumbar and an illiac branch.
lateral sacral arteries
gives branches to the sacral canal and to skin and muscles on the dorsal surface of the sacrum.
superior gluteal artery
is the largest branch of the internal illiac. passes between the lumbosaccral trunk and the first saccral nerve out of the pelvis above the superior border of the piriformis to enter the gluteal region.
inferior gluteal artery
also supplies the gluteal region. It arises from the internal iliac and usuaully passes between the 1st and 2nd sacral nerves to go between the piriformis and coccygeus muscles through the lower sciatic foramen.
illioihypogastric n.
l1, and runs medially and inferiorly between the internal abdominal and transverse abdominal muscle
anterior cutaneous nerves
t7-t11, subcostal, and ilioinguinal
caput medusae
superficial epigastric veins with the lateral thoracic vein in the superficial fascia.
left ima vein to ima artery
ascends to the left of artery
appendicular artery
splenic vein
posterio to pancreas inferior to the spenic artery
porto caval anastomosis
left gastric vein/esophageal/ azygos

anorectal-superior rectal vein/middle and inferior rectal veins
paraumbilical-paraumbilical veins/superficial epigastric
retroperitoneal -colic/retroperitoneal veins
right and left testiculars a relationship
inferior to the renal (just) lv2
left renal vein
crosses anterior to the renal arteries and aorta
renal palvis
most posterior in hilum
right kidney contacts
colic flexures, visceral liver, duodenum
left kidney contacts
spllen stomach, spleen, and panc
sacroilliac articulation strenghten
anterior and posterior sacroilliac ligaments
membranous portion of the urethra
in the deep pouch
seminal vesicle to the ampulla
ejaculatory duct
is formed from the seminal vesicle duct and the ductus deferens and empties into the porstatic urethra at the seminal colliculus
ampula of the rectum
where the puboccoccygeus surrounds
anal columns
contains superior rectal artery and vein
anal valves
forms anal sinuses
pectinate formed
by anal valves
internal hems
superior rectal and anas. with middle
abberant obterator
is at risk when repairing femoral hernia because of location at pelvic brim
inferior vesicel artery
not in female
internal pudendal artery
exits pelvic cavity by passing inferior to the piriformis through the greater sciatic foramen. often arises with the inferior gluteal.
inferior gluteal artery
usually passes between ventral rami s2 and s3. INferior to piriformis
middle rectal
arises in common with the inferior vesciel often. off internal illiac
passes posteriorly then ascends between the lumbosaccral trunk and the obterator nerve. May arise with the lateral sacral.
lateral sacral artery
gives rise to a superior and an inferior branch. INferior branch passes anterior to the sacral ventral rami
superior gluteal artery
passes between the lumbosaccral trunk and the ventral ramus of s1
prostatic, vesical and rectal drain to the internal illiac
somatic plexus of pelvis are
sacral and coccygeal plexus
inferior hypogastric plexus
primary visceral plexus of the pelvic cavity
lumbosacral trunk l4-l5
joins sacral plexus which is (l4 to s4)
s2 and s3 arise
bewtten the proxiamal attachemnt of the piriformis
sciatic nerve
l4 to s3, usually inferior to the piriformis
pelvic splanchnics
s234, carry preganglionic paras
sacral portion of the symp trunk
is medial to the ventral rami.
at region of belly button
below inguinal ligament through femoral ring
through obturator foramen
at linea alba
in posterior rectus sheath below arcuat eline
through muscls of the pelvic diaphgram
mesentary proper
from the duojejunal fold to the right illiac fossa
diaphram to to left colic flexure
duodojenal flexure to the diaphram
phrenicoesophageal ligaments
lower esophageal sphincter
lymphatics to gastric celiac nodes
duodenal ulcers
right next to the pylorus and pancreas, gall bladder and pancreaticoduodenal arteries
lymphaticss of duo
pancreaticoduodenal, mesenteric and celiac lymphs
jejunum vs. illeum
larger dia, thicker wall, longer vasa recta, more prominent plica (mucous folds) illeum has rich vascular arcade structure