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50 Cards in this Set

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What is another term for a fatty liver?

Hepatic Steatosis

Which 2 major vessels branch from the celiactrunk?

Splenic artery and common hepatic arteries

What does the abbreviation APKD stand for?

Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease

Name 2 kidney function blood tests.

Serum Creatinine – Creatinine is a waste product that comes from the normal wear andtear on muscles of the body.

Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) – This tests how well the kidneys are removing wastes andexcess fluid from the blood.

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) – Urea nitrogen comes from the break down of protein in foods.

What is the upper limit for a gallbladder wall measurement?

Normal gallbladder wall thickness needs to be 3mm or less

What does AAA stand for?

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

What is a phrygian cap?

Folding of the fundus in the gallbladder

In which of the nine abdominal regions would you find the pancreas?

Left hypochondrium and epigastrium

Where would you find morrison’s pouch?

In the peritoneal cavity, in the hepatorenal space

Between the liver and the right kidney

Posterior right subhepatic space

What is the name given to the sensitivity test of the gallbladder where probe pressure is applied, relieved and causes a pain response?

Positive murphy’s sign

What term means on the same side of thebody?


What is the name of the mass that is adrenalin origin and secretes hormones?


What term describes layers of flat fibrous sheets composed of strong connective tissue?


Which plane divides the body into right and left sections?


Which bilaterally paired flat muscles form the innermost of the anterolateral abdominal wall muscles?

Transversus Abdominus

Which peritoneal layer lines the walls of the abdominopelvic cavity?

Parietal peritoneum

What is another name for an accessory spleen?


What is the equation used to work out bladder volume?

A x B x C x 0.52 = Bladder Volume

What numerical value in centimeters is seen as an acceptable variance between right & left kidney measurements?

Not greater than a 1cm difference

Define FNH.

Focal Nodular Hyperplasia

What is the most common primary malignant liver tumour?

Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)

What is the name of the duct & the vessel visible in the pancreatic head?

Gastroduodenal Artery in Anterolateral pancreatic head 

Common Bile Duct in Posterolateral pancreatic head 

What ultrasonic instrumentation would you initiate to visualise ureteric jets?

Power Doppler

Name the 3 different patient positions used to interrogate the gallbladder?

Supine/ Left Posterior Oblique

Left Lateral Decubitis

Standing/sitting Erect

Name the 3 major anterolateral abdominal wall muscles?

External Oblique, Internal Obliqueand Transversus Abdominus

What sort of a reflector is the diaphragm?

Specular Reflector

Define the term lipoma.

A benign tumor of fatty tissue

What are the two types of ascities?

Ransudative and Exudative

What does VUJ stand for?

Vesico-ureteric junction (junction of bladder)

What is the adult derivative of the ductus venosus?

Ligamentum Venosum

What does the acronym F.A.S.T stand for inFAST Scan?

F: Focussed

A: Assessment with

S: Sonography in

T: Trauma

What is the name of the region of the liver NOT covered in peritoneum?

The bare area

What is a paracentesis?

Paracentesis is adiagnostic or therapeutic procedure performed to remove ascites from the peritoneal cavity.

Name the 3 main hepatic veins?

Left Hepatic, Middle Hepatic, Right Hepatic

The peritoneal cavity is divided into 2 compartments. What are they?

Supracolic Compartment and the Infracolic Compartment

Would you describe the sonographic appearance of the IVC lumen as hyperechoic or anechoic?


What is the name given when 2 of the 3 hepatic veins are seen sonographically coming from the IVC? The............sign?

Playboy bunny sign

What is the pathological name for separation of the layers of the aortic wall by blood or haemorrhage which is displayed sonographically as a linear echogenic flap within the arterial lumen?

Dissecting Aneurysm

What is the most common malignant tumour of the urinary bladder?

Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC)

What is Budd-Chiari syndrome?

Obstruction of Hepatic Vein Outflow with/without involvement of IVC 

Blood vessels are composed of 3 distinct layers, what is the outer layer?

Tunica Adventitia

What is BPH?

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

What is the name of a urine filled out pouching seen protruding from the bladder wall?

Bladder Diverticulum

What does post prandial mean?

After eating a big meal - usually related to a increase/decrease in blood sugar after eating.

What is the name of the blood marker used todiagnose prostatic cancer?

Elevated serum PSA (prostatespecific antigen)

What is another name for the rectouterinespace?

Pouch of Douglas

Crohn’s disease primarily affects young adults and affects what anatomic region?

The terminal ileum, colon or both at any level

Define horseshoe kidney?

Lower pole fusion of kidneys

What 2 ducts join to form the CBD?

Cystic duct and common hepatic duct

Name the 2 functions of the pancreas?

Exocrine - secretes pancreatic juice which is discharged into the intestine

Endocrine - secretes insulin and glucagon