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32 Cards in this Set

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Where is cytoplasm located?
between the plasma membrane and nucleus
What is cytosol?
water with solutes
What are cytoplasmic organelles?
metabolic machinery of the cell
What are inclusions located in the cytoplasm?
granules of glycogen or pigments, lipid droplets, vacoules, and crystal
What are the membranous cytoplasmic organelles?
golgi apparatus
Non-membranous cytoplasmic organelles?
Mitochondria provide what for the cell?
most of the cell's ATP
What is the structure of mitochondria?
double membrane structure with shelflike cristae
Mitochondria unlike any other organelle contain their own ____and ____.
What is the function of ribosomes?
protein syntheis
What is the structure of the endoplasmic reticulum?
interconnected tubes and parallel membranes enclosing cisternae
There are two varieties of endoplasmic reticulum___and ___.
rough and smooth
What is the function of Rough Er and what is its structure?
Manufactures and secretes all proteins, synthesizes membrane integral proteins and phospholipids,

external surface is studded with ribosomes
What is the structure and function of smooth ER?
tubules arranged in a looping network, breakdown of lipids and storage and release of calcium
What is the function and structure of the Golgi Apparatus?
stacked flattened membranous sacs,
modifies, concentrates, and packages proteins and lipids
What is the structure and function of lysosomes?
spherical membranous bags containing digestive enzymes,
1. digest ingested bacteria
2. break down release glycogen
3. degrade nonfunctional organelles
4. break down bone to release Ca2+
5. destroy injured cells
What is the function of the enodmembrane system?
produce, store, and export biological molecules and degrade potentially harmful substances
What is the structure and function of peroxisomes?
membranous sacs contailing powerful oxidases and catalases
1. detoxify harmful or toxic substances
2. neutralize dangerous free radicals
What is the cytoskeleton and what is it composed of?
an elaborate series of rods throughout cytosol. it is composed of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments
What are microfilaments and what are their purpose?
They are dynamic actin strands attached to cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane. They are involved in cell motility, change in shape, and endocytosis and exocytosis.
What are intermediate filaments and what are their purpose?
tough, insoluble ropelike protein fibers

they resist pulling forces on the cell and attach to desmosomes
What are microtubules and what are their functions?
They are dynamic hollow tubes that radiate from the centrosome.

They determine the overall shape of cell and distribution of organelles
What are motor molecules and what are they powered by?
protein complexes that function in motility(ex. movement of organelles and contraction)

the are powered by ATP
The centrosome contains ____and ___.
centrioles and microtubules
The centrosome is the______
cell center
What is the function of the centrosome?
generate microtubules and organize the miotic spindle
What are cilia and flagella?
whip like extensions on the surfaces of certain cells
Red blood cells are ____?
The nucleus has the blueprints for ___.
What cells are multinucleated?
skeletal muscle, liver , and bone destruction
the nucleoli is involve in
rRna synthesis and ribosome subunit assembly
The chromatin create the ____ when the cell ____.
chromosomes , starts to divide