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18 Cards in this Set

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What’s the function of the cell wall

Supports cell and prevents it from changing shape

What are the 4 functions of the cell membrane

1. Isolates cytoplasm for external environment

2. Supports cell rigidity

3. Regulates cell growth by exocytosis and endocytosis

4. Encases internal organelles

What are the 4 functions of the capsule

1. Sticks cell together

2. Reserves food

3. Protects against desiccation and chemicals

4. Protection against phagocytis


Transfers DNA to cells

What’s the function of the mesosome

Where anaerobic respiration takes place

What’s the function of the cytoplasm

Has enzymes and other materials where chemical reactions take place

What’s the function of the pili/vili

For attachments

What’s the function of the flagellum

Produces polypeptides by protein synthesis. Has 2 subunits of proteins and RNA

What’s the function of the nucleus

Manages cell activities and has pores to move between nucleus and cytoplasm

What’s the function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum

Intercellular transport system by a secretory pathway of polypeptides

What’s the function of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Has lipids, phospholipids and steroid hormones for metabolism synthesis of cholesterol and absorption transport to gut

What’s the function of the mitochondrion

Produces ATP for aerobic respiration

What’s the function of the lysosomes

Contains hydrolytic enzymes to break down food, invading objects and worn out cells

What’s the function of the Golgi apparatus

Stores and chemically modifies substances produced in cell that are later secreted by Golgi vesicles. Also receives polypeptides from RER and transports them to other cells

What’s the function of chloroplasts

For photosynthesis. Some happens in grana and some in stroma

What’s the function of the vacuole

Contains water and solutes for maintenance of turgidity to support plant. Also stores waste, nutrients and water temporarily

What are centrioles

9 sets of 3 microtubules aranged in a ring

What’s the function of the cytoskeleton

For movement and stability