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14 Cards in this Set

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how is scrooge presented at the start of the story

-a miserable, cold, unpleasant man

how is scrooge presented at the end ?

a changed man, shading bud wealth and generosity with all

a quote to show that scrooge is cold- hearted

‘ No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him’

what are scrooge’s attitudes and beliefs?

- priorities wealth over everything else

- has a hatred for the lower class and thinks they are lazy, clearly showing his capitalist mindset

_______ as an oyster

solitary as an oyster

No _____ could warm, no ______ weather _____ him

No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him

What reason have you to be _____ , you’re poor _____

what reason have you to be merry, you’re poor enough

i can’t _____ to make ____ people merry

i can’t afford to make idle people merry

they had better do it, and ________ the ________ population

they had better do it ,and decrease the surplus population

a poor _____ for _____ a mans pocket every ________ of december

a poor excuse for picking a mans pocket every twenty-fifth of december

______ is cheap, and scrooge _____ it

darkness is cheap and scrooge liked it

______ and ______ as flint

hard and sharp as flint

a ________, wrenching ,________,scraping ,_________, clutching, covetous, old _______

a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, clutching covetous old sinner

a ________ child, ________ by his freinds

a solitary child, neglected by his freinds