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39 Cards in this Set

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what are the steps of the scientific method?
create a question, research, hypothesis, experiment, collect data, conclusion
give an example of a variable in an experiment if you were deciding what temperature the water boils in degrees and celcius
the boiling point
what is the difference between a hypothesis,a theory and a law
a hypothesis is an educated guess.a theory is something
how do you calculate density
what is an atmosphere?
gases surrounding the earth or other planets
what is the lithosphere?
the outer part of the earth made up of the crust and mantel
what elements are commonly found in stars?
hydrogen and helium
how does a nebula form?
when interstellar mediums collapse and clump together
what is the cycle of a star?
neutron,protostar,main sequence, red giant, white dwarf, black dwarf
what is the solar nebula theory?
how they think our solar system was created
what are the 3types of galaxies?
elliptical spiral and irregular
what is parallax?
when you change positions the stars appear to move
what is absolute magnitude?
the measure of something's brightness
what has the most mass in our solar system?
the sun
what is the order of our planets?
mercury, Venus, earth, mars, Jupiter, Saturn,Neptune, Uranus
where is the asteroid belt located?
between mars and Jupiter
compare and contrast the inner and outer planets
inner outer
small big
orbit quickly orbit slowly
spin slowly spin quickly
what is the difference between a solstice and an equinox?
a solstice is the longest or shortest day of the year and equinox has equal day and night.
what is a mineral?
its inorganic, occurs in nature, and solid.
give some examples of mineral groups
oxides, silicates, sulfates, halides, and native elements
what is the most common mineral group?
what are some common tests we use to identify minerals?
streak, luster, smell, taste, hardness
what is an ore?
a valuable rock that contains metal
what is a gem?
a precious stone
what are some common uses of minerals?
glass, makeup, paint, wires, and construction.
what is the difference between pyrite and gold?
they're different colors and gold is more valuable
what is the rock cycle?
it is a group or changes from rock to rock
how are metamorphic rocks formed and where are they found?
they are formed through heat and pressure and found in volcanoes.
how are igneous rocks formed and where are they found?
they form from magma cooling and are found either inside the earth or on the surface.
how are sedimentary rocks formed and where are they found?
they are formed by sediments cementation and compacting and they are found in water or mud
give examples of each rock.
igneous:basalt metamorphic:slate sedimentary:shale
what is mechanical weathering?
being able to see physical changes in an object.
what are examples of each kind of weathering?
mechanical:frost wedging chemical:leeching
what is the difference between intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks?
intrusive is formed inside the earth extrusive is formed outside the earth.
what is the difference between Felix and mafic igneous rocks?
felsic is rich in quartz and mafic is rich in iron.
how does cooling play a role in the size of the crystal in an igneous rock
the slower the bigger the faster the smaller
what is the difference between clastic and chemical sedimentary rocks?
clastic is made up of older rock chemical forms when minerals come out of water.
what is the difference between foliated and non foliated metamorphic rocks?
foliated displays banding and non foliated doesn't.
where would you typically find caves and sink holes?
near limestone.