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52 Cards in this Set

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How was your weekend?

How long will you stay?

Don't let it happen again.

Could you make me a cup of tea, please?

I'm sorry, but I don't know his number.

Could you look after my son tonight?

So you mind lending me some money?

Would you like me to meet you at the airport?

Do you want me to give you a lift home?

This suitcase is so heavy.

Let me carry it for you.

Let me explain it to you.

Can I switch the TV on?

Can I read this e-mail?

No, I'm afraid not.

It doesn't sound very good.

I'm really sorry. Are you ok?

I like your shirt.

That happened when I was in middle school.

By the way, my name is Youssef.

Yes, I was born there.

Did you grow up there?

No thanks, I know the way.

She doesn't care anymore.

This is exactly what I need.

I want you to tell him just one thing.

I want to change this article.

Where can I do the change?

I'm sure that anyone can do it.

I found him sleeping on the couch.

The pain is too much.

The police are looking for him.

I won't leave without my money.

That's enough, no more arguing.

How many passengers on this bus?

She doesn't know how to order food.

It's the most difficult language in the world.

I came back to return your bracelet.

Watch where you are going.

Sorry,I zoned out for a second.

Watch where you are going.

Sorry,I zoned out for a second.

I have to cancel everything.

I forced myself to stay and see what happens.

Just put it behind your back.

The time is too late.

Everyone tried to be the number one.

Let's use public transportation.

I can't afford it.

I have no insurance.

He built a fence around his house.

What's wrong with you?

This trip is over.

I can't believe you did that.

I go there every other day.

It's not a big deal.

I got a phone call from an old friend.

Give me another one.

I can't stand you.

Charity begins at home.

You disappointed me.

What do you feel like eating this morning?

You have to change your way of speaking with your children.

Yeah yeah I know that is a really hard.

Yeah I know that is a really hard but we have to do it.

She was surprised to see him here.

It can't change his British accent.

You know what, I don't believe you.

Please stay where you are.

I noticed you to stay where you are.

Step out of the car.

Everybody step out of the car.

Please step back.

The first step is always the hardest.

What's the next step to be done?

I can't walk another step.

When you find that stranger drive your car.

Who asked you to clean my car?

He knows exactly what he's doing.

It's really hard to find something like that.

You have to clean the interior of the car.

That's why I love him.

Would you like a blanket?

Can you get me another blanket?

I didn't expect that especially from him.

I think he did that just to get her attention.

I like reading so much.

It's my favorite hobby.

Reading is a good way to relax and reduce stress.

There's only one choice.

We have only one choice.

It's time to train, let's get ready.

Would you please leave the door open?

Please leave the door ajar.

Sorry about that.

Don't be mad at me.

I haven't told anyone.

How is the weather today?

Have you had breakfast?

Yes, I slept very well.

I left my keys in the car.

Why did you tell me the floor is slippery.

Now it's too late.

Can you hand me the mop?