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80 Cards in this Set

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All haircolor products are organic chemicalsm which means they____

Contain carbon and hydrogen

The best styling choice for a client with a round facial type would be one with____

Volume on the top and closeness or no volume on the sides

Products are classified as either an alkaline solution or an acidic solution by measuring the amount of _____ in the solution


Which brushes are used to blowdry precision haircuts where little or no volume is desired?

Classic styling brushes

What are the pin curls that produce even, smooth waves and uniform curls?

Open center curls

In a ____ haircut, also known as a one length haircut, all of the hair comes to a single hanging level forming a weight line


What term refers to the shape of the hair strand?

Wave pattern

What is a collection of images and photos of a stylist's work that she or he can use during the consultation to assist a client in making decisions about style and color?

Professional portfolio

Which three countried are primarily responsible for manufacturing the steel used to make professional shears?

Japan, Germany, and the United States

Ductless glands that release secretion of hormones directly into the bloodstream are_____

Endocrine glands

What is the movement of electrons from one atom to another along a conductor?


What is a severe type of dandruff characterized by an accumulation of greasy or waxy scalp sclaes mixed with sebum?

Pityriasis steatoides

Substances that allow oil and water to mix, or emulsify are____


What sympton of faulty organization results from scheduling too many tasks at one time and then putting them off to complete at a later date?


The process of steam distillation was refined by Avicenna, a _____, aropund 1000 AD

Persian physician

To what part of the heart is oxygenated blood returned?

Left atrium

The major elements that make up human hair are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur, often referred to as____

COHNS elements

A ____ profile has a receding forhead and chin


Maintaining good ____ while shampooing will prevent unnecessary muscle aches, back strain and fatigue


When making recommendations to a client regarding hair style or color, which of the following criteria shoudl be used?

Lifestyle, face shape and hair type

Which New York chemist introducted the first permanent haircolor in 1932 and found a company called Clairol in 1935?

Lawrence Gelb

Hair should be shampooed ____

As often as necessary

What term best describes your posture, as well as the way you walk and move?

Physical presentation

Fresh water from lakes and streams is purified by ____ , in which matter is allowed to sink to the bottom of the collecting reservoir


You can begin to make decisons about the best haircut for a client by analyzing his or her_____

Face shape

What type of current should be avoided for clients who are pregnant, have high blood pressure, or have a pacemaker?

Tesla high frequency

What are three active problem-solving words that should be utilized when building a positive vocabulary?

explore, analyze & determine

What is another term for Tesla high frequency current?

Violet ray

Backcombing, also known as ____, ratting, matting, or French lacing, involves combing small sections of hair from the ends toward the scalp, causing shorter hair to mat at the scalp and form a cushion or base


What type of shampoo washes away excess oiliness while preventing the hair from drying out?


Listening to the client and then repeating in your own words, what you think the client is telling you is known as____.

Reflective listening

Curved lines can be placed horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, and are used to create a _____ when repeating in opposite directions


The term describing the effectiveness with which a disinfecting solution kills germs when used according to the label instructions is____


A chemical combination of matter in definite(fixed) proportions is a _____

Pure substance

Professional shears are made either by casting or forging the steel. Which process is best for ensuring shear durability, ease of adjustment or repair and highest quality?

Forging only

What year was the preheat-perm method introduced?


Effective human relations and ____ skills build lasting client relationships, accelerate professional growth, and promote a positive work environment.


____ refers to directional wave patterns that must be taken into consideration when designing a style for a client

Design texture

What is the best way to maintain control of the subsection when cutting with a vertical or diagonal cutting line?

Palm to palm

What is another name for materials that are nonconductors?


What lines are curved and used to blend and soften horizontal or vertical lines?

Transitional lines

Often called simply "the shampoo," this first step of the service actually encompasses three different phases: scalp care and massage, shampooing, and _____


The nervous system as a whole is divided into how many main subdivisions?


An important practical step that promotes effective communication is to_____.

Talk less and listen more

A tension in your shears that is too ____ will allow your shears to fold the hair


A weak, physical, cross-link side bond between adjacent polypeptide chains that is broken by changes in pH is a ____ bond


The science of designing and planning of the workplace, as well as its equipment and tools, for maximum comfort, safety, and efficiency, is known as____?


OSHA and state regulatory agencies require that SDSs be____

Kept available in the salon for all products used in the salon

The Greek word trichos means____


The bones in the fingers or digits are called____


Hair flowing in the same direction, as the result of follicles sloping in the same direction, is known as____

Hair stream

Contrasting lines are horizontal and vertical lines that create a hard edge and form a ____

90 degree angle

During a dry hair and scalp treatment, a _____, which resembles a hooded dryer, can be used to help resolve the moisture balance in the hair

Scalp steamer

Standard precautions that require the employer and employee to assume that all human blood and body fluids are potentially infectious are published by the_____


An applicator that directs electrical current from a machine to the client's skin is a(n) ______


Despite what emotion a person feels, ____ and _____ skills will help people move to the next level in their career.

motivation, self management

Which element is considered a hallmark of professionalism?


The moral principles by which we live and work are known as ____


Which type of shear is used mainly to remove bulk from the hair, and is often referred to as a thinning shear, tapering shear or notching shear?


Which LED therapy is associated with increasing circulation and improving collagen and elastin production in the skin?

Red light LED

The bone that forms the back of the skull above the nape is the_____


Which diseas is bloodborne and can cause liver damage?


What is the shortest and least penetrating light of the elctromagnetic spectrum?

Ultraviolet light

Ancient people around the world used animal hide_____

To tie hair back or for adornment

Pressure in massage is usually directed from the____

Insertion to the origin

What are some items that should be included in your hygiene pack, or personal collection of items, to maintain the necessary sanitary habits at work?

Dental care items, hand sanitizer, & body freshening products

Hydroxide chemical relaxers break disulfide bonds and convert them to ____ bonds


A long chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds is called a ____ chain


The pocket or tube like depression in the scalp or skin that contains the hair root is the hair____


The pigment that provides brown or black color to hair is____


It is important for the stylist to determine if the local water supply to the salon is ____becasue it may affect the outcome of the clients' chemical services

Soft or hard

Current research confirms that dandruff is the result of a fungus called____


How is the hair wrapped around the roller to create curls in the hair?

With two and a half turns

A curved part is used for a high forhead or ____

Receding hairline

A tennis ball is useful in exercises to release stress from repetitive movement of which body part?


Which type of conditioning agent is used after a scalp treatment and before styling to remove oil accumulation from the scalp?

Scalp astringent lotions

Which substance was created by ancient Egyptians from a mixture of ground galena(a black mineral), sulfur, and animal fat?


____ base pin curls are usually recommended at the side of the front hairline for a smooth, unswept effect


Nonpathogenic bacteria are_____


Cowlicks and whorls are examples of ____ that will affect where the hair ends up once it is dry, especially in the nape

Growth patterns