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145 Cards in this Set

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When to use Imperfect

Used to, were doing, describing weather

It was raining

Estaba lloviendo




Have done

Past participle of work


Past participle of speak


Past participle of to eat


Past participle of to drink








To have done conjugated


He / hemos

Has / hais

Ha / han

No elides El sujeto

Don't elude the subject

It's my fault

Es mi culpa

They have danced

Han bailadp

We have spoke

Hemos hablado



To avoid


To confuse


With you


I have fear

Tango miedo

To cover






Roof / ceiling








Did I pronounce it correvtly

Lo he pronunciado Bien

Very recent past, something today or this week


This week we have learned alot

ESTA semana hemos aprendido mucho

Did you like the film

Te ha gustado (gustao) la pelicula

Did you like the film (last month)

Te gusto la pelicula - pretorate

What did he say to you (recently)

Que TE ha dicho

What did he say to you in 1993

Que te dijo en mil niveciento tres

A week ago we started to learn spanish

Hace una semana hemos empezado estudiar espanol

Have you visited madrid yet????

Ya ha visitado madrid???

Have you visited madrid already?

Ya ha visitado madrid?

Have I said it correctly

lo he dicho bien

5 sentences 7/22
- I'm going to the coffee shop to write

- I was asked to host a show

- I got a raise at work

- I might try to sign up for new faces

- I was extremely tired and accidentally showed my screen

- voy a un cafe para escribir

- Me pidieron que presentara un programa.

- tengo un aumento en el trabajo

- Podría intentar registrarme para caras nuevas

- Estaba muy consado asi que

- Estaba extremadamente cansado y accidentalmente mostré mi pantalla

the station

la estacion


la ahorario

A one way ticket

billete cencillo (simple)

round trip ticket

billete de ida y vuelta

The platform

el enden

ticket office


I want to go to Madrid

quiero ir a Madrid

I would like alternative

Me gustaria

I would like to buy a roundtrip ticket to barcelona

quisierra comprar un billeta de ida y vuelta para barcelona

Is this train direct

este tren es directo

Is this train for Barcelona

este tren es para Barcelona

Does this train go to barcelona

Este tren va a barcelona?

the train is going out of the station

el tren sale del estacion

when does the train leave for barcelona

a que hora sale el tren para barcelona

what time does the bus for cuzco arrive

a que hora el autobus para cuzco llega

Has the bus for cuzco arrived yet

ya ha llegado el autobus para cuzco

Does the train for guadalajara leave from this platform

el tren para gudalajara sale de este enden (enDen)

to book


do I have to book

tango que resivar

can you order me a taxi please

me puede pedir un taxi por favor

where are you going?

adonde va?

I am going to the station

voy a la estacion

can you take me to the center of the ciudad

me puede llevar al centro de la ciudad


el aeropuerto (I aro puerto)

take me

lleve me

take me to this address

lleve me a esta direccion

I am going to this address

voy a esta direccion

is it very far from here

esta muey lejos de aqui

is it very close from here

esta muey cerca de aqui

it's 10 kilometers from here

esta a diez kilomitros de aqui

it's 20 minutes from here

esta a veinte minutos de aqui

depending on traffic

depende del traffico

many roadworks

muchas hobras

how much will it cost to go to the airport

cuanto costara para ir al aeropuerto

stop here please

pare aqui por favor

to wait


Can you wait for me

me puede esperar por favor

Can I order, alternative

puede pedirme

can you give me a receipt

me puede dar un recibo

Get yourself out of here

Sacate de aqui

Go over there

Vete pa'lla



What have you done today

Que has hacho hoy

He has eaten

Ha comido

I have studied

He estudiado

You have drunk a glass of water

Has bebido un vaso de agua

She has drunk a glass of wine

Ha bebido una Copa de vino

Last night

A noche

This morning

Hasta manana

This morning I sang a song

ESTA manana he cantado una cancion (most correct)/ ESTA manana canté una cancion

Yesterday I ate paella

Ayer he comido paella

Last night I went out with my friends

A noche he salido con mis amigos

Last week we visited madrid

La semana pasada hemos visitado madrid

Two weeks ago you began the course

Hace dos semanos has enpezado El corso

Relative dates use..

Perfect tense. Last year last month yesterday this morning.. related to the present

Have you already eaten

Ya has comido

I have already visited spain

Ya he visitado espana

Have opened, past participle. Open


I have opened the window

He abierto la ventana

I have said

He dicho

Have told, past part

Dicho ( decir )

Did I say it well

Lo he dicho Bien?

Have written, past part


We have already written the letter

Ya hemos escrito la carta

Have done, past part


I have already done my homework

Ya he hecho mis deberes

Have seen, past part


This morning we saw the moniment

ESTA manana hemos visto El monumento

Can you order me a taxu

Me puede pedir un taxi

Where are you going

Adonde va

I'm going to the station

Voy a la estacion

I'm going to airport

Voy a la ay-aeropuerto

I need to go to the center of the city

Necisito al Centro del ciudad

Can you take me to the center

Me puede llevar al Centro del ciudad

Take me to the airport

Lleve me al aeropoerto



Take me to this address

Lleve me a ESTA direccion

Is it very far from here

ESTA muy lejos de aqui

Its 10 km from here

ESTA a diez kilomotros de aqui

It's twenty minutes from here

ESTA a veinte minutos de aqui

Depending on roadworks and traffic

Depende de Los hobras y traffico

How much will it cost

Cuanto costara

Stop here please

Pare aqui por favor

Can you wait for me

Me puede esperar

Can you give me a receipt

Me puede dar un recibo

Much better

Mucho mejor

I'm correct

Tango razon

How's it going

Como te va

How's everything going

Como va todo

Have fun


Wait for me


Hurry up


Do it


I love it

Me encanta

It's better

Es mejor

I promise

Lo prometo

Who knows

Quien sabe

Check yourself


Come here

Ven para aca

I didn't understand anythint

No me he entrado de nada

Calm down (not command)


My pleasure (gracias)

Con gusto

Sentences 7/30

- Let me know if I say anything incorrectly

- I'm trying to lose weight

- I go to the gym for 2 hours on Saturdays

- avísame si digo algo incorrecto

- Estoy tratando de perder peso

- Voy al gimnasio durante dos horas los sábados

To support


don't doubt / don't hesitate

no dudes (dudar = to doubt)