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92 Cards in this Set

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1. According to Eriksons developmental theory, when planning care for a 47-year-old client, which developmental task should a nurse identify as appropriate for this client?

To achieve established life goals and consider the welfare of future generations

2. A jilted college student is admitted to a hospital following a suicide attempt and states, No one will ever love a loser like me. According to Eriksons theory of personality development, a nurse should recognize a deficit in which developmental stage?

Intimacy versus isolation

3. A nurse observes a 3-year-old client willingly sharing candy with a sibling. According to Peplau, which psychological stage of development should the nurse recognize that this child has completed?

Learning to delay satisfaction

4. When a mother brings her 9-month-old to daycare, the child smiles and reaches for the daycare caregiver. The nurse should recognize that according to Mahlers developmental theory, this childs development is at which phase?

The differentiation subphase of the separation individuation phase

5. A 12-year-old girl becomes hysterical every time she strikes out in softball, falls down when roller-skating, or loses when playing games. According to Peplaus interpersonal theory, in which stage of development should the nurse identify a need for improvement?

Developing skills in participation

6. According to Peplau, a nurse who provides an abandoned child with parental guidance and praise following small accomplishments is serving which therapeutic role?

The role of surrogate

7. A nurse directs the client interaction and plans for interventions to achieve client goals. According to Peplaus framework for psychodynamic nursing, what therapeutic role is this nurse assuming?

The role of leader

8. When assessing clients, a psychiatric nurse should understand that psychoanalytic theory is based on which underlying concept?

The structure and dynamics of the personality

Which underlying concept should a nurse associate with interpersonal theory when assessing clients?

The effects of social processes on personality development

A physically healthy, 35-year-old single client lives with parents who provide total financial support. According to Eriksons theory, which developmental task should a nurse assist the client to accomplish?

Establishing a career, personal relationships, and societal connections

A 1-month-old infant is left alone for extended periods, has little physical stimulation, and is malnourished. Based on this infants history, in which phase of development according to Mahlers theory should a nurse expect to see a potential deficit?

The autistic phase

A 6-year-old boy uses his fathers flashlight to explore his 3-year-old sisters genitalia. According to Freud, in which stage of psychosocial development should a nurse identify this behavior as normal?


A married, 26-year-old client works as a schoolteacher. She and her husband have just had their first child. A nurse should recognize that this client is successfully accomplishing which stage of Eriksons developmental theory?

Intimacy versus isolation

A 10-year-old child wins the science fair competition and is chosen as a cheerleader for the basketball team. A nurse should recognize that this child is in the process of successfully accomplishing which stage of Eriksons developmental theory?

Industry versus inferiority

A client has flashbacks of sexual abuse by her uncle. She had not been aware of these memories until recently, when she became sexually active with her boyfriend. A nurse should identify this experience as which part of Sullivans concept of the self-system?

The not me

According to Freud, which statement should a nurse associate with predominance of the superego?

I don't ever cheat on tests; it is wrong

A female complains that her husband only meets his sexual needs and never her needs. According to Freud, which personality structure should a nurse identify as predominantly driving the husbands actions?

The id

A father of a 5-year-old demeans and curses at his child for disobedience. In turn, when upset, the child uses swear words in kindergarten. A school nurse recognizes this behavior as unsuccessful completion of which stage of development according to Peplau?

Identifying oneself

A nurse is caring for a hospitalized client who is quarrelsome and opinionated and has little regard for others. According to Sullivans interpersonal theory, the nurse should associate the clients behaviors with a previous deficit in which stage of development?


According to psychoanalytic theory, treatment of symptoms should involve which nursing action?

Recognizing and discussing the clients use of ego defense mechanisms

A 29-year-old client living with parents has few interpersonal relationships. The client states, I have trouble trusting people. Based on Eriksons developmental theory, which should the nurse recognize as a true statement about this client?

Developmental deficits in earlier life stages have impaired the clients adult functioning.

Which statement is most likely to be made by a nurse practitioner who shares the philosophy of an interpersonal theorist?

We need to examine how your relationships affect your ability to cope

Which statement describes achievement of

Eriksons generativity versus stagnation developmental stage?

I've been a girl scout leader for troop 259 for 7 years.

A psychiatric nurse uses Sullivans theories in group and individual therapy. According to Sullivan and other theorists like him, how are client symptoms viewed?

Client symptoms are viewed as responses to

anxiety arising from interpersonal relationships.

A nursing instructor is teaching about the application of Peplaus theory to nursing care. Which student statement indicates that learning has occurred?

The nurse applies principles of human relations to the problems that arise at all levels of experience.

According to Peplau, treatment of client symptoms should involve which nursing action?

Establishing a therapeutic nurse client relationship

The nurse practitioner plans to use a psychoanalytical framework when treating a client diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Which would be the focus of this nursing intervention?

Exploring behaviors and defense mechanisms associated with the superego.

Which is a nursing intervention to assist a client to achieve Eriksons developmental task of ego integrity?

Encourage a life review of triumphs and disappointments.

From an interpersonal theory perspective, which intervention would a nurse use to assist a client diagnosed with major depressive disorder?

Offer family therapy sessions

Which concepts are included in the definition of personality? Select all that apply.

A. Personality is the characteristic way in which a person thinks, feels, and behaves.

B. Personality is the ingrained pattern of behavior that evolves as ones style of life.

D. Personality develops both consciously and unconsciously.

A depressed client states, I have a chemical imbalance in my brain. I have no control over my behavior. Medications are my only hope to feel normal again. Which nursing response is appropriate?

Medications are one way to address chemical imbalances. Environmental and interpersonal factors can also have an impact on biological factors.

A client diagnosed with major depressive disorder asks, What part of my brain controls my emotions? Which nursing response is appropriate?

The limbic system is largely responsible for ones emotional state.

Which part of the nervous system should a nurse identify as playing a major role during stressful situations?

Sympathetic nervous system

Which client statement reflects an understanding of the effect of circadian rhythms on a persons ability to function?

Im a morning person. I get my best work done in the a.m.

Which types of adoption studies should a nurse recognize as providing useful information for the psychiatric community?

A. Studies in which children with mentally ill biological parents are raised by adoptive parents who were mentally healthy

B. Studies in which children with mentally healthy biological parents are raised by adoptive parents who were mentally ill

C. Studies in which monozygotic twins from mentally ill parents were raised separately by different adoptive parents

D. Studies in which monozygotic twins were raised together by mentally ill biological parents

E. All of the above

Six months after her husband and children were killed in a car accident, a client is diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. The nurse should recognize that this situation validates which study perspective?

The study of psychoimmunology

A withdrawn client diagnosed with schizophrenia expresses little emotion and refuses to attend group therapy. What altered component of the nervous system should a nurse recognize as being implicated in this behavior?


An instructor is teaching nursing students about neurotransmitters. Which term best explains the process of how neurotransmitters released into the synaptic cleft may return to the presynaptic neuron


A nurse concludes that a restless, agitated client is manifesting a fight-or-flight response. The nurse should associate this response with which neurotransmitter?


A client is admitted to a psychiatric unit with the diagnosis of catatonic schizophrenia. Which of the clients neurotransmitters should a nurse expect to be elevated?


A clients wife of 34 years dies unexpectedly. The client cries often and becomes socially isolated. The clients therapist stresses the importance of proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise. What is the best rationale for the therapists advice?

The client is susceptible to illness due to effects of stress on the immune system.

Which mental illness should a nurse identify as being associated with a decrease in prolactin hormone level?


Which cerebral structure should a nursing instructor describe to students as the emotional brain?

The limbic system

A nurse understands that the abnormal secretion of growth hormone may play a role in which illness?

Anorexia nervosa

A client is admitted to an emergency department experiencing memory deficits and decreased motor function. What alteration in brain chemistry should a nurse correlate with the presentation of these symptoms?

Decreased levels of acetylcholine

A nurse should recognize that a decrease in

norepinephrine levels would play a significant role in which mental illness?


Which client diagnosis should a nurse associate with a decrease in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)?

Panic disorder

A nurse should expect that an increase in dopamine activity might play a significant role in the development of which mental illness?


A nursing instructor is teaching about the monoamine category of neurotransmitters. Which student statement indicates that learning about the function of norepinephrine has occurred?

Norepinephrine functions to regulate mood, cognition, and perception.

A student nurse is studying the effect of the drug isocarboxazid (Marplan) on neurobiology. The student should recognize that the neurotransmitter serotonin is catabolized by which enzyme?

Monoamine oxidase

During a sleep study, a delta rhythm has been recorded for a client experiencing sleep apnea. The nurse recognizes that which characteristic is associated with this rhythm, and what stage of sleep activity would be documented?

Delta rhythm is a period of deep and restful sleep, occurring in stage 3 of sleep activity.

Which of the following information should a nurse include when explaining causes of

anorexia nervosa to a client?

Select all that apply.

A. There is a possible correlation between abnormal secretion of growth hormone and anorexia nervosa.

C. There is a possible correlation between low levels of gonadotropin and anorexia nervosa.

Which of the following symptoms should a nurse associate with increased levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in a newly admitted client?

Select all that apply.



Which of the following symptoms should a nurse expect to assess in a client experiencing

elevated levels of thyroid hormone?

Select all that apply.

A. Emotional lability

C. Insomnia

D. Restlessness

According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, what is the first need that must be met?


Maslow believed that basic needs should be met in order to move to a higher level.


Self-actualization refers to:

The motivation to develop to one’s full potential as a human being

Our needs for belonging, love, and affection best fall under which category according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?

Social Needs

When assessing how well a client has managed to meet Maslow's fourth-level needs related to self-esteem, the nurse would consider the individual's


The id, ego, and superego can be best

characterized as which of the following?

Systems that make up personality

According to Freud, which part of our personality are we born with that allows our basic needs to be met?


A patient is obsessed with cleanliness and control. On which stage of Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development has the patient become fixated?

Anal Stage

This term refers to Freud's idea that children have an unconscious desire to possess their

opposite-sex parent.

Oedipus complex

According to Freud, which part of our personality is the moral part that develops due to the moral and ethical restraints placed on us by our caregivers?


A husband accuses his wife of infidelity. Which situation would indicate to the nurse the husband’s use of the ego defense mechanism of projection?

The husband has already admitted to having an affair with a coworker.

Which is an example of the ego defense mechanism of regression?

An adult throws a temper tantrum when he does not get his own way.

Which should the nurse recognize as an example of the defense mechanism of repression?

A woman was raped when she was 12 and no longer remembers the incident.

Which is the most significant consequence of the excessive use of defense mechanisms?

Problem-solving will be limited.

A 26-month-old child displays negative behavior, refuses toilet training, and often shouts, No! when given directions. Using Freuds stages of psychosexual development, a nurse would assess the child's behavior is based on which stage?


A 10-year-old child wins the science fair competition and is chosen as a cheerleader for the basketball team. A nurse should recognize that this child is in the process of successfully accomplishing which stage of Erikson’s developmental theory?

Industry versus inferiority

What do people face during each psychosocial stage that can serve as a turning point in personality development?


The nurse would evaluate that an 85-year-old patient who displays satisfaction in a life well lived is adapting to the need for:

Integrity versus despair

Which of the individuals below is in the identity versus confusion stage?

D (angry looking teenager)

A married, 26-year-old client works as a schoolteacher. She and her husband have just had their first child. A nurse should recognize that this client is successfully accomplishing which stage of Erikson’s developmental theory?

Intimacy versus isolation

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the nursing strategies a psychiatric nurse would use to assist in meeting self-esteem needs of elderly clients would include:

Maintaining level of control & independence

A 26-month-old child displays negative behaviors. The parent says, My child refuses toilet training and shouts, No! when given direction. What do you think is wrong? Select the nurse's best reply.

This is normal for your child's age. The child is striving for independence.

A jilted college student is admitted to a hospital following a suicide attempt and states, “No one will ever love a loser like me.” According to Erikson’s theory of personality development, a nurse should recognize a deficit in which developmental stage?

Intimacy versus isolation

A teenage boy is attracted to a female teacher. Without objective evidence, a school nurse overhears the boy state, “I know she wants me.” This statement reflects which defense mechanism?


An employee uses the defense mechanism of displacement when the boss openly disagrees with suggestions. What behavior would be expected from this employee?

The employee criticizes a coworker

Which statement describes achievement of

Erikson’s generativity versus stagnation developmental stage?

“I’ve been a girl scout leader for troop 259 for 7 years.”

What did Freud call the process through which children come to identify with their same-sex parent?


If a child struggles to do well in school, what problem might emerge?

Struggle with feelings of inferiority

A client has a history of excessive drinking, which has led to multiple arrests for driving under the influence (DUI). The client states, “I work hard to provide for my family. I don’t see why I can’t drink to relax.” The nurse recognizes the use of which defense mechanism?


Utilizing Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, the nurse gives priority to which of the following nursing diagnoses?

Altered nutrition: less than body requirements

A physically healthy, 35-year-old single client lives with parents who provide total financial support. According to Erikson’s theory, which developmental task should a nurse assist the client to accomplish?

Establishing a career, personal relationships, and societal connections

According to psychoanalytic theory, treatment of symptoms should involve which nursing action?

Recognizing and discussing the client’s use of ego defense mechanisms

During Family Therapy a female patient complains that her husband only meets his sexual needs and never her needs. According to Freud, which personality structure should a nurse identify as predominantly driving the husband’s actions?

The id

A college student is hospitalized after suicide attempt. During an interview, the father reveals that his ex-wife was punitive and scolded his daughter during toilet training. Freud would describe this student as fixated in which stage of psychosexual development?


Which of the following statements should a nurse recognize as true about defense


(Select all that apply)

They are mechanisms that are characteristically self-deceptive.

They are used in an effort to relieve mild to moderate anxiety.

They are employed when there is a threat to

psychological integrity.

A 29-year-old client living with parents has few interpersonal relationships. The client states, “I have trouble trusting people.” Based on Erikson’s developmental theory, which should the nurse recognize as a true statement about this client?

Developmental deficits in earlier life stages have impaired the client’s adult functioning.

A new psychiatric nurse states, “This client’s use of defense mechanisms should be eliminated.” Which is a correct evaluation of this nurse’s statement?

Defense mechanisms can be self-protective responses to stress and need not be eliminated.

A 6-year-old boy uses his father’s flashlight to explore his 3-year-old sister’s genitalia. According to Freud, in which stage of psychosocial development should a nurse identify this behavior as normal?
