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22 Cards in this Set

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the flu (noun):

informal for influenza, like a very bad cold with chills and fever

- Ashley came down with the flu, and she couldn't go to school for a week.


stuffy (adjective):

closed or blocked

- I have a really stuffy nose and can't breathe very well.

be supposed to (verb): expected to do something

- She was supposed to stay in bed and rest, but she went to work instead.


seem (verb):


- My dad didn't seem very sick this morning, but he got worse during the rest of the day.

stay off your feet (idiom): put into action

- If you want to get better, you have to stay off your feet for a few days.


get rid of (phrasal verb):

do away with, eliminate

- Try my garlic soup. It'll help get rid of your bad stuffy nose.

تخلص من

come on:

said to encourage someone to do something

- Come on! Call and make an appointment to see the doctor. You're not going to get better on your own.


have in mind (verb):

to think about

- What activities do you have in mind for tomorrow's picnic?

بشو تفكر

crazy about (phrasal verb):

to like something very much

- Carla is crazy about rock music.

مهووس بـ

finest (adjective):

excellent, high quality

- These are the finest glasses I have ever seen.


additional (adjective):

extra, added

- Buy now and receive an additional two dollars off the regular price.


support (verb):

give help or assistance

- Does your family support you with your college expenses?


run (verb):

be in charge of

- My brother is going to run our business when my father retires.

يكون مسؤول عن

mainly (adverb):

for the most part

- We mainly spend time at home and watch TV in the evenings.


cool (adjective):

someone who is good-looking or attractive

- She thinks the guy is really cool, but she doesn't know him like I do.

رائع ملفت للانتباه

PG (noun):

parental guidance

- The movie is rated PG, so I think we should watch it before we take the kids to see it.

توجية الوالدين

destination (noun):

the place to which you are going

- It took four hours to arrive at our destination.

المكان المقصود

platform (noun):

a raised area where you can get on and off a train

- Please meet me on the platform 15 minutes before the train is scheduled to leave.

منطقة مرتفعة حيث يمكنك ركوب و إيقاف القطار

What's the deal? (expression):

What's the story or situation?

What's the deal? Do you want to go out to eat or not? We need to decide now.


ما بك او ما هي الصفقة

circumstances (noun):

situations, facts, or conditions

- We don't have much money, so I don't want to eat at an expensive restaurant under these circumstances.


Hon (noun):

short for HONEY and said to people you love like a husband or wife

- Hon. Can we go out to dinner for my birthday? I really don't want to cook.

اختصار لكلمة honey


(the people in the government, the “bosses”),

مسؤولون /رؤساء



سخيف / غبي


(past of “invite” – ask to come, visit).
