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459 Cards in this Set

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In a study by Latané and Rodin (1969), a female experimenter apparently fell and hurt her ankle. What percentage of participants who were alone offered help
__ are more likely to favor conservative political candidates
__ in discussion produces more attitude change than does __
Active participation; passive listening
__ is defined as aggression driven by anger and performed as an end in itself and can also be referred to as affective aggression
hostile aggression
__ is defined as having qualities that appeal to an audience
__ is defined as physical or verbal behavior intended to cause harm
__ is the process by which a message induces change in beliefs, attitudes or behaviors
__ more than __ are more likely to be politically conservative and to favour group inequality
Men; women
__ occurs when groups of individuals who don't fit their stereotype are thought of as a special category
__ of those who do pray with their spouse report their marriage as "very happy."
__ refers to the tendency for people to exert less effort when they pool their efforts toward a common goal than when they are individually accountable
social loafing
__ sometimes follows compliance
“Psychological reactance” refers to the human tendency to
Resent the loss of freedoms
3 factors breed obedience
distance to the victim 2. closeness and legitimacy of the authority figure 3. institutional authority
A __ is a situation in which the conflicting parties, by each rationally pursuing their self-interest, become caught in mutually destructive behavior
social trap.
A belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic and cultural group is called __
A cardinal rule in sales is to avoid questions that
May result in the answer “No.”
A change in behavior or belief to accord with others is called
A classmate across the room yawns and then several other students yawn, this is an example of
informational influence. B. psychological reactance. C. group cohesion. D. social contagion.
A communicator is said to be_when he or she is perceived as both an expert and trustworthy
A concern for __ produces normative influence, while a concern for __ produces informational influence
social image; being correct. B. being correct; social image C. being correct; gaining status D. social roles; authority figures
A fad such as tattoos are an example of
norm formation. B. conformity. C. obedience. D. reactance.
a group is more effective at inducing conformity it:
It consists of experts -the members are of high social status -the members are similar to the individual
A group of people who share a sense of belonging or a feeling of a common identity is a
A lone black female lawyer in a group of black and white male lawyers will be most conscious of being
black. B. female. C. a lawyer. D. in a group.
A person who is both __ would be considered androgynous
assertive and nurturing
A psychiatrist who interviewed 40 of Milgram's participants a year after their participation concluded that
none had been harmed.
A salesperson begins with a large request he expects will rejected. Looking forlorn, he follows this with a smaller request which, unknown to the customer, was his target all along. This technique is known as:
A set of behavior expectations for males and females is a
gender role.
A social role is
a cluster of norms. B. separate from culture. C. a weak influence on conformity. D. a role that feels awkward.
A study conducted by Snyder and Fromkin (1980) revealed that people feel better when they see themselves as
very unique. B. moderately unique. C. not at all unique. D. collectivistic.
A very strong cultural norm dictates that males should be taller than their female mates. This height norm is cited in your text as evidence that
biology and culture interact to develop gender-role norms
A win-win agreement that reconciles both parties' interests to their mutual benefit is known as
an integrative agreement.
A year after his original study, Sherif's participants were retested alone and gave answers that supported the original group's norm. This suggests that the process involved was really
reactance. B. compliance. C. obedience. D. acceptance.
Abelson and his colleagues (1982) found that voting preferences in the United States could be reasonably predicted from voters'
emotional reactions to the candidates.
conformity that involves both acting and believing in accord with social pressure
According to Albert Bandura, an important influence on one's tendency to be aggressive is
observations of others' behavior.
According to Bem, the most ‘masculine’ traits include:
According to conformity research, a group's social power is deflated when it loses its
agenda. B. anonymity. C. unanimity. D. heterogeneity.
According to Eagly and Wood, as men’s and women’s social roles become similar, their psychological differences:
According to Elliot Aronson, "as a relationship ripens toward greater intimacy, what becomes increasingly important is
According to evolutionary psychology, men are attracted to women whose physical features indicate:
According to Festinger (1954), it is human nature to want to evaluate our opinions by
comparing ourselves with others.
According to Myers, advertisers for beverages and clothing tend to adopt marketing strategies that use the __ route to persuasion
According to Myers, American and British leaders in 2003 justified attacking Iraq not as a hostile effort to kill Iraqis, but as an instrumental act of liberation and of self-defense against presumed weapons of mass destruction. Social psychologists would consider this an example of __ aggression
According to Myers, an unchallenged assumption in individualistic Western nations is that __ is good and __ is bad
uniqueness; similarity B. similarity; uniqueness C. individualism; conformity D. conformity; individualism
According to social constructionists, the use of gender as an analytic category is questionable because:
gender is culturally constructed
According to the __ hypothesis, people are attracted to those whose needs are different in ways that complete each other
According to The Power of Persuasion:
Most people believe others are more likely to be stricken by diseases than they are themselves
According to the text, __ provides the classic illustration of pure altruism
the parable of the Good Samaritan
According to the text, Asch's experiments lacked __ but did possess __
experimental realism; mundane realism B. mundane realism; experimental realism C. validity; reliability D. reliability; validity
According to the text, gender difference does not exist in
According to the text, individuals who identify as __ in terms of spiritual commitment were most likely to report working among the poor, infirm, or elderly
highly committed
According to the text, men talk
more to give information.
According to the text, norms are
prescriptions for proper behavior.
According to the text, people in a hurry may be less willing to help because
they never fully grasp the situation as one requiring their assistance.
According to the text, personality predicts behavior when social influences are
obvious. B. covert. C. strong. D. weak.
According to the text, the factor that determines if we call attempts at persuasion "education" or "propaganda" is whether or not
we believe them or not
According to the text, the first step in scientifically studying romantic love is to
define and measure it.
According to the text, the notion of egoism has fallen into disrepute because
it is vulnerable to the criticism of circular explanation.
According to your text, the relationship between intelligence and television viewing is __
Across the globe, men are how many times more likely to murder men than women murder women
Acting in accord with a direct order is called
obedience. B. acceptance. C. conformity. D. compliance.
Advances in intimacy are usually suggested by
the higher-status person.
After arguing with her boyfriend Peter over the telephone, Roberta smashes down the receiver and then throws the phone across the room. This behavior most clearly demonstrates
After hearing a great deal about the benefits of soy products from your friends, you decide to drink soy milk instead of cow's milk. Your behavior is an example of
obedience. B. acceptance. C. conformity. D. compliance.
After hearing so much about the dangers of smoking cigarettes from the media and seeing numbers of people quit the habit, Jacob finally realizes that smoking is dangerous and therefore he quits. His behavior is an example of
obedience. B. acceptance. C. conformity. D. compliance.
After Marilyn Monroe's suicide, there were 200 more suicides in the United States than was typical. This was due to the suspected effects of:
After President Bush announced his position regarding a possible war with Iraq, he was unlikely to change his mind. This most likely reflects the
we-they polarity between the political parties. B. fact that public commitment reduces susceptibility to social influence. C. fact that the high status of the office elicits a need for uniqueness. D. fact that higher-status people are more susceptible to psychological reactance.
Ahmed generally likes to go home to visit his family during vacation. However, after his father tells him that he must be home during spring vacation, Ahmed decides to remain at college. Ahmed's behavior is best understood in terms of
reaction formation. B. regression. C. psychological reactance. D. self-serving bias.
Although he made a promise to himself to not take illegal drugs, Tom gave into peer pressure at a party to smoke marijuana because he did not want to be rejected by the others. Tom's conformity is a result of
compliance. B. acceptance. C. normative influence. D. informational influence.
Although most suspects in cases of incest, child molestation, and sexual abuse are heterosexual males, the local newspaper omits the word "heterosexual" in any related headline. In contrast, whenever a self-described gay male is arrested for a crime, the headline proclaims "homosexual arrested" in the case. The resulting prejudice that gay males are more likely to commit violent crimes can in part be blamed on
illusory correlation.
Although you did not like it when you first saw it alone, you go to the same movie with a friend for a second time. After she raves about it, you decide that it wasn't so bad after all. Your interpreting events differently after hearing your friend's opinion is called
norm formation. B. conformity. C. obedience. D. reactance.
An example of compliance
wearing a suit or a dress to a wedding even if you dislike getting dressed up. - it is related to conformity.
An interaction is said to occur when:
the effect of one factor causes another
Another term for believability is
Arvid didn't work very hard on his last class essay assignment, so he was relieved at first to find he'd gotten a "C" on it. But when he learned that most of his classmates had gotten "B's" and "A's", he felt unhappy and angry about his grade. Arvid's experience is best explained in terms of
the relative deprivation principle.
As an example of the liberating effects of group influence,_% of the participants in a variation of Milgram's study conformed to the confederate's behavior when the confederates defied the experimenter
As noted in the text, the World Economic Forum stated in the Global Gender Gap Report of 2008, that Norway, Finland, and Sweden
have the greatest gender equality.
As they age, women become more:
Asch's 3-line experiment
37% conformity by participants when all other participants gave the same wrong answer for which two lines were the same
Asch's conformity experiments showed that most people
tell the truth even when others do not.
autokinetic phenomenon
Self (auto) motion (kinetic). The apparent movement of a stationary point of light in the dark
Autokintetic effect
an optical illusion of the apparent movement of a stationary point of light viewed in the dark
Ayres' (1991) research team visited 90 Chicago-area car dealers using a uniform strategy to negotiate the lowest price on a $11,000 car. The results indicated that __ were given the highest quote
Black females
Based on research cited in the text, who is most likely to honk aggressively at someone stopped at a green light
The driver of a convertible with the top up
Bearman and Brueckner (2001) found that teens who made a public virginity-until-marriage pledge became __ likely to remain sexually abstinent than similar teens who do not make the pledge
somewhat more
Bearman and Brueckner (2001) found that teens who made a public virginity-until-marriage pledge became somewhat more likely to remain sexually abstinent than similar teens who do not make the pledge. This is an example of how
status produces psychological reactance. B. a we-they feeling has evolved between professional sports players and officials. C. the teen seeks to maintain emotional distance from would-be sexual partners. D. public commitment reduces susceptibility to social influence.
Because we are sensitive to distinctive events, the simultaneous occurrence of two such events is especially noticeable. Our attentiveness to unusual occurrences can create
illusory correlations.
Both sides believing "we are moral, good, and right, and they are evil" is an example of a
mirror-image perception.
Bradshaw's books on "reclaiming your inner child" suggest techniques that are consistent with what social psychologists call
diffusing responsibility
Brent is a White man who has been given a choice to work with Darwin or Ken. Darwin is a Black man who shares many of Brent's values and attitudes. Ken is a White man who shares little in common with Brent. Who will Brent like most and want to work with
Brock (1965) found that paint store customers were more influenced by the testimony of an
an ordinary person who recently bought the same amount of paint as they did
Brown (1987) has reported that forms of address, such as the distinction between formal and informal forms of “you” in many languages, communicate not only social distance, but also __
social status
Bystanders will inhibit helping most under which of the following conditions
the emergency is ambiguous b. the other bystanders are strangers c. the bystanders cannot readily read one another's reactions
Chartrand and Bargh (1999) found that participants in an experiment who worked alongside another person who occasionally rubbed her face were unwittingly more likely to rub their face. They called this
the chameleon effect. B. mood linkage. C. compliance. D. automatic processing.
Closed-mindedness is most clearly fostered by which of the following symptoms of groupthink
closeness and legitimacy of the authority figure
in follow up by milgram, when the experimenter gave instructions over the phone obedience was reduced 21%- In another follow up the experimenter leaves and assistant in charge- 80% refused to comply- legitimate authority increases obedience
Compared to Euro-American cultures, Asian cultures are more likely to teach their children
independence. B. collectivism. C. to follow their own conscience. D. to respect another's privacy.
Compared to individualistic Americans, people socialized in collectivistic cultures such as China and India define justice
more as need fulfillment.
Compared to low self-monitoring people, high self-monitoring people are especially helpful if they think that
helpfulness will be socially rewarded
Compared to people in individualistic countries, those in collectivist countries are
More responsive to others' influence
Compared to the national rate, abused children are __ times __ likely to abuse their own children
4; more
comparison to women, men fall in love more __ and out of love more __
readily; slowly
conformity that involves publicly acting in accord with an implied or explicit request while privately disagreeing; changes in behavior are elicited by direct requests.
Concern for social image involves __ influence; the desire to be correct involves __ influence
normative; informational
Conciliation means
giving in, or conceding something to the other side.
Confederates who were dressed either conservatively or in counterculture garb approached either "straight" or "hip" college students and asked for change to make a phone call. Results of this experiment confirmed a __ bias in helping
a change in behavior or belief as the result of real or imagined group pressure
Conformity based on a person's desire to fulfill others' expectations, often to gain their acceptance, is called
compliance. B. acceptance. C. normative influence. D. informational influence.
Conformity is greater when people feel incompetent. This pattern reflects
compliance. B. acceptance. C. normative influence. D. informational influence.
Conformity is greater when people respond publicly before a group. This pattern reflects
compliance. B. acceptance. C. normative influence. D. informational influence.
Conformity that involves both acting and believing in accord with social pressure is called
obedience. B. acceptance. C. conformity. D. compliance.
Conformity that involves publicly acting in accord with an implied or explicit request, while privately disagreeing is called
obedience. B. acceptance. C. conformity. D. compliance.
Conformity that occurs when people accept evidence about reality that is provided by other people is called
compliance. B. acceptance. C. normative influence. D. informational influence.
Consistent with the phenomenon of the greatest prejudice occurring in the most intimate social realms, a national 1994 survey of Americans found that __ percent would shop at a store owned by a homosexual, and __ percent would see a homosexual doctor
75; 39
Consistent with the social facilitation effect, Michaels and collaborators (1982) found that when weak pool players in the student union were observed, they did __ than when they did not know they were being observed
Consistent with the theory that there are biochemical influences on aggression, research has found that violent people are __ likely to drink and to become __ when intoxicated
more; aggressive
Consistent with what is known about depersonalization, Lydon and Dunkel-Schetter (1994) found that expectant women expressed more __ to their pregnancies after seeing an ultrasound photo of the fetus
apathy B. resentment C. commitment D. hostility
Consistent with what is known about depersonalization, Lydon and Dunkel-Schetter (1994) found that expectant women expressed more_to their pregnancies after seeing an ultrasound photo of the fetus
Court (1985) reports that as pornographic materials have become more widely available, the rate of reported rapes has generally been found to
Cultural attitudes are embodied and reinforced in
schools. b. government. c. media.
Darla wants to persuade her parents to help pay for a study trip abroad. She will have a more difficult time succeeding if
her parents are forewarned of her intent to convince them.
Darley and Cooper (1972) found that when students were invited to write essays advocating a strict dress code, which was against the students' own positions, the students were
not willing to write the essays even if they were paid.
creating an illusion of the strict deadline
DeBruine (2002) found that when students played an interactive game with a supposed other player, participants were __ when the other person's pictured face had some features of their own face morphed into it
more trusting and more generous
Displaced aggression is most likely when the target __ to the instigator
shares some similarity
distance to the victim
the further away they were form the victim the more likely they were to obey- greater distance increases obedience
Dixon and Wetherell argue that to understand gender inequality we must understand:
everyday discursive practices
Doing as others do is what social psychologists call
norm formation. B. conformity. C. obedience. D. reactance.
door-in-the-face technique
a two step compliance technique in which an influencer prefaces the real request with one that is so large that it is rejected
During the 1970s, the military junta in power in Greece initially selected candidates for officers based on their submission to authority. The candidates were first asked to guard prisoners, then to observe torture, and then to eventually practice torture. This process demonstrates how __ can breed __
obedience; conformity B. conformity; obedience C. compliance; acceptance D. acceptance; compliance
Eagly's (1994) "women-are-wonderful" effect is an example of __
a favorable stereotype
Elana's boss told her today that she is being let go due to company downsizing. Later when she goes home, she is critical of her girlfriend's choice of restaurant for dinner
displaced aggression
Empathy can be defined as
when a person tries to put themselves in another person's place and feel what they might be feeling.
Eros is to __ as storge is to __
passion; friendship
Evaluation apprehension helps explain the enhancement of dominant responses when people
think they are being evaluated.
Even though you really dislike wearing a dress, you decide to wear one to your cousin's wedding. This is an example of
Even when people have no strong feelings about a product or a candidate, __ can increase sales or votes
Example of acceptance
when an individual sincerely starts to believe something that he or she initially questioned.
example of status
construction worker will be more likely to obey an experimenter than a teacher - lower status, greater conformity
Exposing people to weak attacks on their attitudes, which then stimulates thinking in support of the initial attitude is known as
Attitude inoculation
factors that predict conformity
group size -unanimity -group cohesion -status -prior commitment -security
Fear-arousing messages have proven potent in convincing people to
cut down on smoking -Incorrect brush their teeth more often- Incorrect drive carefully Incorrect
Fixed action patterns (FAPs) are
Sequences of behavior that always occur in the same fashion
foot-in-the-door technique
a two step compliance technique in which the influences sets the stage for the real request by first getting the other person to comply with a smaller request
From an evolutionary perspective it would be most difficult to explain why
Ruth risked her life to save a stranger from being murdered.
Gangestad and others (2003) have found that during ovulation, women show a heightened preference for men with
masculine features.
Gender differences are seen in the play behavior of children, with
girls having more close conversations and less aggressiveness than boys.
Gender differences in aggression, as seen in the United States, are marked by statistics showing that males comprise __ of prisoners
GRIT attempts to reduce conflict between two groups by
group cohesion
decisions from someone within our group will persuade us more than someone from outside the group. - greater group cohesion, greater conformity
Group members who feel attracted to the group are more responsive to its influence. This fact illustrates the impact of __ on conformity
unanimity B. status C. cohesiveness D. co-morbidity
group size
larger groups, greater conformity
Groupthink can be defined as
a tendency to suppress dissent in the interests of group harmony.
perceived scarcity, afraid that desirable object will soon be unavailable and then hard to get
Harris argues that 40 to 50 percent of the personality differences between siblings can be explained by
peer influence
Hatfield defines __ as a state of intense longing for union with another
passionate love
High school students Aisha and Jared have been dating each other casually. When Aisha parents tell her to stop seeing Jared and ask her to go out with "nicer boys," Aisha announces that she and Jared are actually "in love" and have decided to go steady. Aisha's behavior most likely illustrates the effects of
the false uniqueness effect. B. the fundamental attribution error. C. the self-serving bias. D. psychological reactance.
How did Asch's studies of conformity differ from those of Sherif
Asch's participants faced a more ambiguous task. B. Sherif's participants were dealing with facts rather than opinions. C. Asch's participants could clearly see the correct judgment. D. Sherif's participants were in the physical presence of the pressuring group while Asch's participants were not.
How does the inclusion of statistics alter the effectiveness of an advertisement
Statistics signal expertise, which increases the effectiveness of the ad
How intense and reactive we are in infancy reflects our
How many chromosomes in the human genome are unisex
If people remember the message better than the reason for discounting it, the impact of a noncredible person may __ over time
If we were to conclude that Milgram's obedient participants were particularly hostile and aggressive people, we would be
committing the fundamental attribution error.
If you clean your room only because your parents order you to, your behavior is a form of
obedience. B. acceptance. C. conformity. D. compliance.
If you subject people to weak versions of a persuasive message, they are less vulnerable to stronger versions later on. This is known as
If your parents tell you that you can't drink until you are 21, you may well go out drinking before then. Psychologists refer to this as:
In a revision of frustration-aggression theory, Berkowitz emphasized the importance of
anger, an emotional readiness to aggress.
In a study by Hofling and his colleagues (1966), 22 hospital nurses were telephoned by an unknown physician and ordered to administer an obvious drug overdose. Results showed that
most would not act on the order unless the caller named a familiar physician as a reference. B. most nurses refused to comply unless given the order in writing. C. less experienced nurses complied but more experienced ones challenged the order. D. all but one proceeded to comply without delay.
In a study by Snyder (1980), students who were told that their personal attitudes were nearly identical to those of 10,000 other students __ when they participated in a conformity experiment
were judged most attractive by their fellow participants B. were more willing to obey the experimenter's request to make a public commitment to a popular cause C. took on additional attitudes as well as the mannerisms of the majority D. asserted their individuality by being nonconformist
In a variation of the Milgram study, teachers were required to force the learner's hand into contact with a shock plate. Under these conditions, __ % obeyed
100 B. 70 C. 30 D. 15
In a variation of the Milgram study, the learner was in the same room as the teacher. Under these conditions, __ % obeyed to 450 volts
100 B. 80 C. 40 D. 20
In a variation of the Milgram study, the learner was in the same room as the teacher. Under these conditions,_% obeyed to 450 volts
In arbitration, an arbitrator __ a settlement between the two parties
In calling sports decisions, umpires and referees rarely change their decisions as a result of a player's objection. This may be an example of how
status produces psychological reactance. B. a we-they feeling has evolved between professional sports players and officials. C. the umpire or referee seeks to maintain emotional distance from players. D. public commitment reduces susceptibility to social influence.
In egalitarian societies
evolutionary demands on mating preferences are less.
In examining photographs of people in magazines and newspapers, Archer (1983) and colleagues found that, relative to the average female photo, the average male photo is more likely to
emphasize the face.
In experiments by Zajonc and his coworkers, participants were exposed to brief novel passages of music while they focused their attention on other tasks. Results indicated that mere exposure leads to liking
even when people are unaware of what they have been exposed to.
In experiments, people have been found to conform more when they must __ than when they must __
respond publicly; write down their responses in private B. commit themselves in writing; announce their responses in public C. think before acting; react spontaneously D. explain their responses; keep silent
In follow-up experiments to his initial study, Milgram made the learner's protests more compelling by having him complain of a heart condition, then scream and plead for release, and finally refuse to answer. With this added condition
the majority of participants still fully obeyed the experimenter's demands. B. teachers were more reluctant to deliver initial shocks. C. learners became more real and personal to the teacher. D. fewer participants went to 450 volts.
In Hamilton and Gifford's (1976) study, students were told that various members of "Group A" or "Group B" did either something desirable or something undesirable. While many more statements described members of Group A than Group B, both groups were associated with nine desirable behaviors for every four undesirable behaviors. Results indicated
that students perceived members of Group B more negatively.
In his classic study of __ , Sherif had participants in groups call out estimates of the distance a small point of light appeared to move in a dark room
obedience B. group cohesiveness C. norm formation D. psychological reactance
In light of the Milgram studies, which of the following is NOT one of the factors that determined obedience
the victim's emotional distance B. the victim's physical distance C. the authority's closeness and legitimacy D. whether or not the authority was institutionalized
In Milgram's research, when the experimenter gave the commands by telephone instead of in person, full obedience
dropped to zero. B. dropped to 21 percent. C. dropped to 50 percent. D. increased to 73 percent.
In Muzafer Sherif's Robber's Cave experiment, __ led to cooperation
the formation of superordinate goals.
In one variation of his original experiment, Milgram arranged for a confederate "clerk" (posing as a fellow participant) to assume command in the experimenter's absence. As a result of this manipulation
80% of the teachers refused to comply fully.
In Schachter and Singer's classic 1962 study, participants injected with adrenaline were exposed to either an angry or a euphoric confederate. Participants who expected the injection to make them feel __ became __ when placed with the angry confederate
no side effects; angry
In surveys conducted on groups of younger and older people over several years, the results supported the_explanation for how age plays a role in persuasion
In the 1940s, researchers Kenneth Clark and Mamie Clark (1947) gave African-American children a choice between Black dolls and White dolls. Results showed that most
chose the White dolls.
In the spring of 1954, Seattle residents were alarmed by widespread reports of damage by a mysterious windshield-pitting agent. According to the text, the true cause of public concern was most likely
fallout from recent Pacific testing of the H-bomb. B. mass suggestibility. C. psychological reactance. D. the autokinetic phenomenon.
In Western individualistic societies, the word "conformity" carries
obedience. B. acceptance. C. conformity. D. compliance.
In your marketing class, your assignment is to create an advertisement that will encourage people to buy brand X nicotine patch over brand Y nicotine patch. Given your knowledge of persuasion, which strategy would be most effective
an ad that reads "Lung cancer kills," along with a suggestion that patch X is an effective strategy for quitting smoking
informational influence
influence resulting from one's willingness to accept others' opinions about reality
Ingham(1974) found that when blindfolded participants thought they were pulling a tug of war with other participants they pulled __ than when they thought they were pulling alone
institutional authority
what if the study had not been conducted at yale university?- more prestigious institution increases obedience.
Institutional practices that subordinate people of a given sex are called __
Interpreting events differently after hearing from others is what social psychologists call
norm formation. B. conformity. C. obedience. D. reactance..
Kala's grandparents immigrated from Europe. Kala holds such a strong belief that her ethnic group is superior to all others that she could accurately be described as being
Knowing that someone is trying to coerce you may prompt you to do the opposite of that person's wishes. This response is predicted by
the reactance theory. B. the theory of normative social influence. C. Milgram's theory of obedience. D. the social norms theory.
Lack of prior commitment
once you have committed yourself to a decision, you will typically not change your judgement - public commitment to initial judgement decreases conformity.
Latané and Darley (1968) had university students complete questionnaires in a small room, and then had smoke pour into the room from a wall vent. Students who were working __ tended to notice the smoke __
alone; in less than five seconds.
Lori heard a rumor that Tina said something bad about her, so she cut Tina off. As a result, Tina did say something bad about Lori, This shows
how mirror-image perceptions become self-fulfilling.
a two-step technique in which the influencer secures agreement with a request, but then increases the size of that request by revealing hidden costs.
Male aggression and dominance has been enhanced due to
natural selection.
Males are likely to take jobs that __ , while women are more likely to take jobs that __
enhance inequalities; reduce inequalities.
Marcus and Miller (2003) have found that people's agreement about others' attractiveness is higher when __ than when __
men rate women; men rate men
Martha is excellent at organizing her employees, setting goals, and focusing on achieving those goals for the company. Martha excels in
task leadership
Men are more __ while women are more __
autocratic; democratic
Miles Patterson and Yuichi Iizuka (2006) found that:
American pedestrians were much more likely than Japanese pedestrians to smile at, nod to, or greet someone who walked by them
Miles Patterson and Yuichi Iizuka (2007) found that:
American pedestrians were much more likely than Japanese pedestrians to smile at, nod to, or greet a confederate who walked by them.
Milgram's obedience experiments
series of experiments with a confederate "student" and a participant "teacher". Optimum conditions for obedience - legitimate, close commander, remote victim, no other participants --> 65% adult males fully complied with the orders to administer deadly shocks
Milgram's studies explored_; Asch's studies explored
obedience; conformity
Milgram's study was so successful, because it used:
the foot-in-the-door technique
Most Americans agree that
they would vote for a qualified woman whom their party nominated for president.
Mr. Watson's belief that Blacks are lazy is an example of __ . His refusal to rent an apartment to a Black family is an example of __
a stereotype; discrimination
Mullen and her colleagues (1990) found that the average baseline jaywalking rate __ in the presence of a non-jaywalking confederate
Niche marketing is a method of
Targeting a particular segment of the market
Ninety percent of those who have received the Carnegie medal for heroism in saving human life have been
Norman Triplett is to __ as Irving Janis is to __
social facilitation; groupthink
normative influence
conformity based on a person's desire to fulfill others' expectations, often to gain acceptance
Normative influence leads to compliance, especially for those
in ambiguous situations. B. who are comfortable in their roles. C. who are seeking to climb a status ladder. D. who are in positions of authority.
Norms __ behavior
acting in accord with a direct order or command
Of the following, which one demonstrates that role-playing can be constructive
role reversal
One element of evolutionary psychology, that applies to social psychology, is the idea that
a person's behavior and personality traits which are considered favorable by one's culture are more likely to be passed on to the next generation through reproduction.
One of the lessons of Milgram’s obedience experiment is that each time you obey a request
It becomes more likely that you will obey the next request
One salient factor in Milgram's study on obedience was the experimenter. When the experiment was varied so that the experimenter gave orders over the phone, obedience:
was greatly reduced
Penny has just arrived as a new student on campus and does not know anyone. All else being equal, is she most likely to become friends with Joni who lives next door, with Crissy who lives two doors down, with Beth who lives three doors down, or with Helda who lives in the room directly above
people are more susceptible to informational influence if:
People from __ countries are most likely to conform to those around them
People in groups will loaf less when
the task is challenging. b. the task is important and involving. c. the group is cohesive
People tend to have different social and political attitudes depending on their age because attitudes change as people grow older. This refers to the_explanation for how age plays a role in persuasion
life cycle
People with __ self-esteem are the easiest to influence
Personality is a good predictor of behaviour when:
social influences are weak
Prejudice is a
private conformity
a change in belief that occurs when a person privately accepts the position taken by others
Psychologist William James believed that "Piety is the mask" for
all sorts of cruel deeds
public conformity
a superficial change in overt behavior, without a corresponding change of opinion, produced by real, or imagined group pressure
a motive to protect or restore one's sense of freedom. Reactance arises when someone threatens our freedom of action (e.g. "no machete juggling" or underage binge drinking)
Realistic group conflict theory suggests that prejudice arises
when groups compete for scarce resources.
Regarding independence and connectedness, research shows
women are more connected to others than men.
Reicher argues that inhumanity to others occurs because:
people believe what they are doing is right
Research by Baron and colleagues (1996) demonstrated that merely hearing one's opinion about the comforts of a dental chair corroborated by another led to
more extreme ratings of the chair.
Research by Craig Anderson shows that violent video games
increase arousal b. increase aggressive thinking c. decrease prosocial behavior
Research has found that __ speakers are rated as more objective, intelligent, and knowledgeable
Research has found that when measured in infancy, temperament
usually endures.
Research in both the United States and Canada revealed that the percentage of those who reported having been drunk in the last year was __ for those over the legal drinking age than for those under the legal drinking age
slightly higher B. lower C. the same D. significantly higher
Research in both the United States and Canada revealed that the percentage of those who reported having been drunk in the last year was lower for those over the legal drinking age than for those under the legal drinking age. This exemplifies which of the following concepts
reaction formation B. regression C. psychological reactance D. the self-serving bias
Research indicates that it is only through socialization that children
exhibit empathy. b. take pleasure in being helpful
Research on "terror management" has shown that when feeling vulnerable about their own mortality, people are __ likely to derogate __ members
more; outgroup
Research on alcohol and aggression has indicated that
over half of rapists surveyed report they had been drinking before committing their offense. b. people who have been drinking commit more than half of all homicides. c. in experiments, intoxicated people administer stronger shocks.
Research on group size and conformity has shown that
as group size increases, conformity decreases. B. as group size increases, conformity increases. C. group size influences conformity in teenagers but not in adults. D. the conformity of females is more significantly influenced by group size than is the conformity of males.
Research on misperceptions and war has shown which one of three of the following misperceptions was a common feature in ten wars of the last century
underestimating the strength of one's enemy.
Research on social influence points out the key issues:
Immediate situational forces are powerful - Normative pressures influence our behavior - It is hard to predict our behavior
Research on the two-factor theory of love supports which of the following conclusions
Adrenaline makes the heart grow fonder.
Research regarding smiling has shown
There are gender differences, with women having higher rates of smiling compared to women.
Research shows that when someone does a favor for us, we
Feel compelled to repay the favor in equal value
Researchers have explored several areas in search of the factors affecting conformity. Which of the following is one of those areas
religion B. personality C. sexual orientation D. race
Researchers have found that people tend to pair off with partners who are about as attractive as themselves. This is known as
the matching phenomenon
Researchers have found that trustworthiness is __ if the audience believes the communicator is NOT trying to persuade them
Resolving social dilemmas can be accomplished through
cooperating for mutual betterment.
Revealing intimate aspects of oneself to others is the definition of
Rivalry between groups is often most intense when the groups
closely resemble each other. B. share a common goal. C. are very different. D. are of different ethnic groups.
Rosalinda, who is attractive, very intelligent, and high in social status, marries Jorge, who is also attractive, very intelligent, and high in social status. Their relationship is best understood as an example of
the matching phenomenon.
Sally is interested in purchasing a DVD player, and is overwhelmed by the many different models available at her local electronics store. She decides to consult a magazine devoted to reviewing the quality of home electronics. After reading a number of articles stating the pros and cons of each model, she decides on a DVD player. Sally has been persuaded to purchase this particular DVD player because of the __ route to persuasion
Sanders, Baron, and Moor (1978) have explained social facilitation by noting that a conflict occurs between paying attention to others and paying attention to the task at hand. They named this explanation __
driven to distraction
a compliance technique in which the opportunity o act in limited in terms of time or number
Schaller and Cialdini (1988) told participants who felt sad over a suffering victim that their sadness was going to be relieved by listening to a comedy tape. Under these conditions, participants who felt empathy for the victim
were not especially helpful.
if you feel sure that you are liked and accepted by group members, you will be more likely to voice disagreement with them rather than if you feel insecure about your relationship with them.- people with low self esteem are more likely to yield to group pressure- less secure, greater conformity
Seven in ten infants exhibit __ attachment
Several restaurant managers complied with orders from a telephone caller, posing as a police officer, to strip search a customer or employee. This is an example of the power of __ on compliance
group influence B. personality factors C. the closeness of the authority D. the legitimacy of authority
shares some similarity
is basically over
Sherif is to the study of __ as Asch is to the study of __
conformity; compliance B. compliance; conformity C. norm formation; obedience D. norm formation; conformity
Sherif's autokinetic experiment
norms for "proper' answers emerged and survived both over long periods of time and through succeeding generations of research participants
Sigmund Freud argued that aggression ultimately springs from
a primitive death urge
Since we are born selfish, evolutionary psychologists such as Richard Dawkins propose that we attempt to
teach altruism
Some years ago, a mysterious student enveloped in a big black bag began attending a speech class at a state university. While the teacher knew "Black Bag's" identity, the other students did not. As the semester progressed, the students' attitude toward Black Bag changed from hostility to curiosity to friendship. What may best explain the students' change in attitude
Exposure breeds liking.
people of a lower status are more likely to conform to people of higher status
Studies have shown that if people are or will be aware of opposing arguments, a __ presentation is more persuasive and enduring
Studies involving __ most clearly demonstrate how social influence can take the form of acceptance
the judgments of the length of lines B. the judgments of the autokinetic phenomenon C. the shocking of innocent victims D. personality factors
Studies of hormonal influences on aggression indicate that
after age 25, testosterone and rates of violent crime decrease together.
Studies show that when being bombarded with too many choices, people experience
Anxiety followed by a desire for simplicity
Suzy is interested in purchasing a DVD player and is overwhelmed by the many different models available at her local electronics store. She decides to purchase a shiny, metallic-looking model, as it is the best-looking one in the store. Suzy has been persuaded to purchase this particular DVD player because of the __ route to persuasion
Taylor and Fiske (1978) have found that a Black in an otherwise White group, a man in an otherwise female group, or a woman in an otherwise male group seems
to be the cause of whatever happens.
The __ effect occurs when we remember the message but forget the reason for discounting it
The __ effect refers to how information presented first usually has the most influence
The __ effect refers to how information that is presented last can have the most influence
The __ is defined as the presumption that physically attractive people possess other socially desirable traits as well: What is beautiful is good
Physical Attractiveness Stereotype
The __ route to persuasion occurs when interested people focus on arguments
The __ route to persuasion occurs when people are influenced by incidental cues, such as a speaker's attractiveness
The __ technique is defined as a technique for gaining compliance with a request by first persuading a person to comply with a small request, then following up with a larger request
The “better than average” effect states that:
Most people believe they have above average abilities and positive personality characteristics
The 2008 Global Gender Gap report states that relatively low levels of gender equality are found in:
The adaptive change in frequency of specific genes over generations is:
natural selection
The advice to continue having romantic dinners, trips to the theatre, and vacations once married would most probably be offered by
reward theory of attraction
The best known universal norm is the taboo against:
The characteristics, whether biologically or socially influenced, by which people define male and female is
The contrast effect applies to our perceptions of
others. b. ourselves.
The copycat suicide phenomenon is most likely to occur
in older adults. B. two to three months later. C. in places where the suicide story is publicized. D. during the winter.
The correlation between parental (father) absence and violence holds
across race, status, and education.
The degree to which personality predicts our behavior is __ related to the degree to which social influences predict our behavior
positively B. negatively C. somewhat D. not at all
The disgust and revulsion that most people feel regarding the topic of incest, can be viewed as
a universal norm.
The enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, and traditions shared by a large group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next is
The ethics of milgrams experiment
many critics argued that the study was unethical because the procedure inflicted stress and anxiety on the patients
The evolutionary process by which nature selects traits that best enable organisms to survive is
natural selection.
The experimenter in Milgram's study used all EXCEPT which of the following verbal prods to encourage participants to continue
"It is absolutely essential that you continue." B. "You will be penalized if you refuse to go on." C. "You have no other choice, you must go on." D. "The experiment requires that you continue."
The extent to which members of a group are bound together, such as by attraction for one another, is called
conformity. B. cohesion. C. compliance. D. unanimity.
The high rate of underage drinking may be related to
social roles. B. psychological reactance. C. a drive for uniqueness. D. informational influences.
The illusion of invulnerability
Is comforting belief - Is widespread in Western cultures - Sets us to be exploited
The implications of evolutionary psychology suggest that human success is defined by
exceeding average life expectancy
The jigsaw technique is
designed to elicit group cooperation
The key to effectively changing a social norm is
Avoiding the appearance of too much force
The larger the crowd, the __ a person tends to be __
more; aroused
The most effective way for a persuader to avoid psychological reactance is to
Make small initial requests and gradually increase subsequent requests
The most famous and controversial experiments in social psychology were conducted by
The motive to increase another's welfare without conscious regard for one's self-interests defines
The motive to protect or restore one's sense of freedom is known as
rebellion. B. disobedience. C. resistance. D. reactance.
The names we choose for our children often express our
social roles. B. desire for uniqueness. C. self concept. D. reaction formation.
the norm of reciprocity
social norm that dictates that we should treat others as they have treated us
The notion of egoism maintains that
self-interest motivates all behavior
The opposite of altruism is __
The perception that one is less well off than others to whom one compares oneself is referred to as
relative deprivation.
The phrase "they are all alike, but we are diverse" reflects
the outgroup homogeneity effect
The power of the person is called
personal control.
The power of the situation is also called
social control.
The principle of contrast derives from the fact that human minds
Magnify differences
The psychological reactance theory may help explain why
drinking on campus is heavier for underage drinkers than for legal-age drinkers. B. a toddler, ignoring a toy, protests and demands the toy back when a playmate begins to play with it. C. the demand for and value placed on an object is greater when the object is perceived to be rare or hard to get. D. All of the choices are correct.
The relationship between our degree of self-awareness and our willingness to help is
The relationship between the degree to which a group is cohesive and the degree to which the group has power over its members is a __ one
positive B. negative C. neutral D. curvilinear
The research on gender and helping norms reveals that men offered more help when the persons in need were __ , and women offered help __
females; equally to males and females
The results of both the Sherif and Asch studies are startling because their studies did not employ any
judgments about ambiguous stimuli. B. groups larger than four persons. C. experimental realism. D. open, obvious pressure to conform.
The results of the Asch conformity studies are startling because their studies did not employ any
Open, obvious pressure to conform
The spread of bodily complaints within a school or workplace with no organic basis for the symptoms is called
mass influence. B. social influence. C. mass delusion. D. mass hysteria.
The study of the evolution of behavior using the principles of natural selection is
evolutionary psychology.
The tendency for novel stimuli to be liked more after repeated exposure to them is referred to as
the mere exposure effect.
The tendency for one person's intimacy of self-disclosure to match that of a conversational partner is referred to as
disclosure reciprocity
The text indicates that, until recently, prejudice was greatest in regions where slavery was practiced. This fact is consistent with the principle that __ breeds prejudice
the thats-not-all technique
a compliance technique in which the influencer begins with an inflated request and then decreases its apparent size by offering discounts or bonuses
The theory of natural selection, postulated by __ , is used in the field of evolutionary psychology
Charles Darwin.
The vicarious experience of another's feelings is
The world around, people rate men as more
The_route to persuasion occurs when people are influenced by incidental cues, such as a speaker's attractiveness
Is one of the most effective manipulations of the reciprocity norm - Is more readily accepted as a gift than other tangible commodities - Has become an economic commodity that can be bought and sold
Today's newspaper headline reported an unsolved murder. Given what you have learned in social psychology, you can reasonably predict __ committed the murder
a man
Two primary components of credibility are
Expertise and trustworthiness
Two suspects are arrested for allegedly committing a crime. The police tell them that if one confesses, the confessor will be set free and the other one will be convicted of the crime. The suspects are confronted with
the prisoner's dilemma.
unanimity of the group
more unanimous, greater conformity
Violent crimes are more likely
. when the weather is hot.
we comply to
receive a reward or avoid punishment
We tend to like people who are like us. This exemplifies which characteristic of attractiveness
What are challenging beliefs and developing counterarguments
One of two ways to resist persuasion.
What are compliance breeds acceptance and FITD
One of two ways attitude follows behavior in cult indoctrination.
What are norms
An accepted idea about appropriate behaviors.
What are the different levels in which social conflict can occur
international, intergroup, interpersonal.
What are universal friendship norms, universal status norms, incest taboo, norms of war
Two examples of cultural similarities. (Hint - there are 4)
What breeds obedience
The victim�s distance, closeness and legitimacy of the authority, institutional authority, the liberating effects of group influence.
what did Asch test
whether or not people would conform in situations in which group judgements were obviously incorrect.
what did milgram study
degree to which people will obey authority
What is 18
Women in 2008 comprised of _____% in the world's legislators.
What is 45
'Of the 46 chromosomes in the human genome, _____ are unisex.' (Judith Rich Harris, 1998)
What is a co-actor
On exam day, a student you do not know sits near you. This person is best described as a(n) _______.
What is a man
You read about an unsolved murder in the newspaper. Given what you have learned in social psychology, you can reasonably predict a(n) _______ committed the murder.
What is alike; different
We are more _____ than _____.
What is central
The most direct form of the two routes to persuasion.
What is conformity
Asch is famous for his _____ experiement.
What is evaluation apprehension
Concern for how others are judging us.
What is group size, unanimity, cohesion, status, public response, and no prior committment
One of the six predictors of conformity.
What is increases
The effect of other people _______ with their number.
What is independence vs. connectedness
Play, friendship, vocations, family relations, and empathy are some examples of _____ in gender differences. (Hint - there is a vs. in this answer)
What is nature; nurture
Evolutionary psychology embraces both _____ and _____. (Hint - genes and environment)
What is none had been harmed
A psychiatrist who interviewed 40 of Milgram's participants a year after their participation concluded that _____.
What is obedience
Milgram is famous for his _____ experiement.
What is one factor that creates conflict
What is peripheral
Suzy is interested in purchasing a DVD player, and is overwhelmed by the many different models available at her local electronics store. She decides to purchase a shiny, metallic-looking model, as it is the best-looking one in the store. Suzy has been persuaded to purchase this particular DVD player because of the _______ route to persuasion.
What is positive
Triplett conducted one of social psychology's first laboratory experiments by asking children to wind string on a fishing reel. The results of the study indicated that there was a _______ relationship between the speed at which the children wound the reel and the presence of other children. (Think statistics)
What is social facilitation
The strengthening of dominant responses in the presence of others.
What is the effect of a fear-arousing communication
Generally the more frightened people are, the more they respond.
What is the sleeper effect
The delayed persuasion where people forget the source or its connection.
What is the term used to describe the perception of behavior or goals that are not compatible between two parties
What is true
Women and men's physiological and subjective stimuli are more similar than different. (True or False)
What predicts conformity
1) when three or more people or groups model the behavior or belief 2) when the modeled behavior or belief is unanimous 3) when there is group cohesion 4) when those modeling the belief or behavior have high status 5) when responses are given in public 6) when a prior commitment to an anti-conformational behavior or belief has not been made
What was the test sherif did
had subjects sit in a dark room where they were shown a light, they were asked to give an estimate of how far the light moved. - participants first gave their answers alone then the next day gave their answers together in groups.
When a choice concerns matters of personal value or ways of life,_communicators have more
When a person conforms to gain acceptance, we say they are bowing to:
normative influence
When a recruiter gives you an American flag and then asks for donations, he is appealing to:
The law of reciprocation
When an initially discounted message becomes effective, a delayed impact of the message occurs. This is called the_effect
When are you more likely to be persuaded
when a message is clear and easy to comprehend and the arguments are convincing
When Asch (1946) presented students with a description of someone as "intelligent, industrious, impulsive, critical, stubborn and envious", they rated the person __ than if the opposite order of adjectives was presented
When being observed increases evaluation concerns, __ occurs; when being lost in a crowd decreases evaluation concerns, __ occurs
social facilitation; social loafing
When children are invited to ‘tell us about yourself’ they are most likely to mention:
their distinctive attributes
When fishermen over-fish, despite knowing that they are depleting that particular population of fish, it could be described as
the tragedy of the commons.
When individual efforts are pooled and not evaluated, evaluation apprehension is __ and the probability of social loafing is __
low; high
When Milgram asked 100 psychiatrists, college students, and middle-class adults to predict the results of his experiment, the respondents said that they thought __ would __
they themselves; never begin to administer the shocks B. they themselves; disobey by about 135 volts C. other people; disobey by about 210 volts D. other people; would go all the way to 450 volts
When Milgram conducted his first series of experiments with a sample of 20-to 50-year-old men, he found that over 60 percent of them
went clear to 450 volts.
When Milgram's experimental series was reenacted in Bridgeport, Connecticut, far from the prestige and authority of Yale University, the proportion of participants who fully complied with orders to shock the learner __ compared to the Yale rate
remained unchanged B. decreased C. increased slightly D. increased significantly
When Milgram's experimental series was reenacted in Bridgeport, Connecticut, far from the prestige and authority of Yale University, the proportion of participants who fully complied with orders to shock the learner_compared to the Yale rate
When our behavior is a result of our boss telling us to do something, it is a form of
When participants in Milgram's experiments wanted to quit, they were given
up to four verbal prods to keep them going.
When people allow the example of others to validate how to think, feel, and act, Cialdini (2000) would call this the __ principle of persuasion
social proof
When people experience a loss of self-awareness and evaluation apprehension, they are in a state of __
When Piliavin (1969) and colleagues staged an emergency—a staggering, collapsing man—on 103 subway trips, they found that the victim was promptly offered assistance almost every time, even when he appeared to be drunk rather than disabled. Further research seems to confirm that bystander helpfulness was due at least in part to
the fact that the situation was unambiguous.
When Regina returned to the U.S. after two years in Madagascar, she felt uncomfortable and out of place. She was experiencing
normative social influence. B. reentry distress. C. psychological reactance. D. anti-conformity.
When someone purposely says or does something that is meant to hurt someone else, this is referred to as
When the fear aroused by a persuasive message is relevant to a pleasurable activity (e.g., sex or smoking), the result according to Aronson (1997) is often
When the influence of the situation is __ , the consequent behavior is more likely to be a result of __
weak; individual personalities B. weak; external circumstances C. strong; internal forces D. strong; dispositions
When we go along with the crowd and act counter to our own beliefs and values, we are conforming because of
compliance. B. acceptance. C. normative influence. D. informational influence.
When William McGuire and his Yale University colleagues invited children to "tell us about yourself," they found that the children were most likely to mention their
gender. B. nationality. C. distinctive attributes. D. most common personal characteristics.
When you have complied with a request and have internalised a belief that your behaviour is justified, you are showing:
When Zanna and Pack (1975) led women to believe that they would meet an attractive, unattached, nonsexist man who liked strong, ambitious women, the women
behaved more intelligently and solved more problems.
Which advertising technique does NOT illustrates the principle of social proof
Using a trusted politician as a spokesperson
Which is LIKELY a characteristic of a persuasive salesperson
Likability, Honesty, Perceived expertise
Which is the most likely to create long-term change of behavior
Which of the following are not one of the gender differences supported by research
Women are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD compared to men.
Which of the following illustrates a superordinate goal
People living in an apartment building install a television antenna they can all use.
Which of the following illustrates media influence through a two-step flow of communication
A man buys a new laundry detergent after hearing it recommended by a friend who read that it was both effective and environmentally safe in a consumer magazine article
Which of the following is an effective way to increase helping behavior
model prosocial behavior - make people feel guilty
Which of the following is most true about cults
They specialize in providing simple answers to complex questions
Which of the following is not a way to decrease social dilemmas
keeping groups large.
Which of the following is NOT an example of informational influence
when participants feel incompetent B. when the task is difficult C. when subjects are bilingual D. when people care about being right
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of females
They are slower to enter puberty
Which of the following is not one of the forces that can transform hostility into harmony
Which of the following is true
Those for whom religion is an end in itself express less prejudice than those for whom religion is more a means to an end.
Which of the following is true about mavens? They:
Know a lot of people - Communicate a great deal with people - Enjoy spreading the word about what they know and think
Which of the following must take place before a message is likely to persuade
Which of the following requests is most likely to result in the “boomerang effect”
Suggesting a donation that is extremely high
Which of the following statements about cross-cultural research on conformity is true
Findings using the Asch procedure have found similar conformity rates in most countries, except among the Bantu of Zimbabwe, a tribe with strong sanctions against nonconformity. B. When Milgram compared the conformity of French and Norwegian students, the French consistently conformed more. C. Recent conformity studies in Britain, Canada, and the United States have indicated much more conformity than was observed two or three decades ago. D. Conformity rates vary widely among European countries.
Which of the following statements is TRUE of conformity and obedience
They are primarily collectivistic phenomena. B. They are primarily individualistic phenomena. C. They are universal phenomena that vary by culture. D. They are universal phenomena that are uninfluenced by culture.
Which of the following tends to MINIMISE the degree of conformity found in Solomon Asch-type experiments
Having an ally (i.e., a participant who gives the correct answer)
Which of the following was NOT found to affect obedience in Milgram's studies
Which one of the following is NOT one of the conditions under which a thinking person would adopt the peripheral route to persuasion
when the arguments are strong and compelling
Which personality type is addicted to the power advantage given to them by building indebtedness from others
The creditor
Which prefers more personal space
adults more than children
Which route to persuasion is more likely to lead to long-lasting attitude and behavior changes
Which theory specifically predicts that we will be more altruistic toward our relatives than toward close friends
evolutionary psychology
Which two symptoms of groupthink lead group members to overestimate their group's right and might
an illusion of invulnerability and an unquestioned belief in the group's morality
While control participants were correct about line-length judgments more than 99% of the time in Asch's conformity study, his naive participants conformed to the incorrect judgments of others __ % of the time
12 B. 37 C. 65 D. 87
While walking down the street with your friend Sabrina the other day, she stopped to ask a child why he was crying. The boy said that he was lost, so Sabrina took time out of her busy day to help the child find his way home. Sarbrina's behavior can be characterized by
who are made self-aware, by acting in front of a mirror or TV camera, for example, have been found to
behave more consistently with their attitudes
Who is Charles Darwin
He proposed certain genes that contribute to survival become more abundant.
Who is the most responsive to rational appeals
Well-educated and analytical people
who studied the emergence of social norms
who studied umpires making calls on whether a player was safe or out
Deutsch and Gerard
who tested conformity and group security
ditties and kelley
Who wanted to study group pressure
why do people conform
people have a strong need to belong
why do people obey
people justify their behavior by assigning responsibility to the authority -people define the expected behavior as routine -people want to be rude or offend the authority -people obey easy commands first and then feel compelled to obey more and more difficult commands.
Williams and colleagues (2001) have found that when our need to belong is thwarted by ostracism, we respond with all of the following EXCEPT
depressed mood. b. anxiety. c. hurt feelings.
With regards to personal space, which would be expected
North Americans prefer more space than do Latin Americans.
You agree to buy a new car at a terrific price. Then the manger charges you for an option you thought was included in the original package. You’ve been the target of
The low ball
You are more likely to be persuaded when a message is
clear and easy to comprehend and the arguments are convincing.
You decide to pierce your tongue after all your friends have. This is an example of
norm formation. B. conformity. C. obedience. D. reactance.
You go out to dinner with three of your good friends. Friends 1 and 2 order dessert. Next, Friend 3 orders dessert. When the waiter gets to you, even though you are dieting, you order dessert. Why
You trip over a fallen branch and sprain your ankle. According to research on the bystander effect, a stranger who sees your plight will be most likely to offer aid if there are __ others present
Young immigrant children often prefer the language and norms of their new peer culture. This is because:
peer groups have more influence in transmitting culture
Your boss just told you that she is giving you a 5 percentt raise starting with your next paycheck. You are very pleased to hear this good news until you learn that some of your coworkers earned a 10 percent raise. Now you are unhappy and angry about your raise. Your experience is best explained in terms of
the relative deprivation principle.
You've noticed that your roommate tends to wash fewer dishes if he knows others are home. This is an example of
social loafing
Zimbardo (1970) explained the greater vandalism of an abandoned car left in New York than one left in Palo Alto in terms of the greater __ of the large city