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9 Cards in this Set

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Literary theory

The underlying principles by which we attempt to understand literature.

Offers approaches for understanding the rolenof historical context, geographic location or the specific background of the writer in interpretation.

Gain deeper meaning by drawing on a critical theory to hain further insight into literary texts.

The underlying principles by which we attempt to understand literatureOffers approaches foe understanding the rolenof historical context, geographic location or the specific background of the writer in interpretation.

Literary communication

The transmission of a written or spoken text btw a sender and a receiver

The interaction of the reader w/ the author is a creative act that transmits a message according to the unique circumstances of the reader.

Jakobson's communication model

Addresser sends the message to the addressee, the message uses a code, the message has a context and is transmitted through a contact (medium)

Major shifts

1st shift (1920-40s): FORMALISM (focus on the inner, linguistic, structural organization of text->focus on FORM)

2nd shift (1960-70s): READER RESPONSE CRITICISM (focus on the interaction btw text and the reader

3rd shift (1980-90s): POSTSTRUCTURALISM (focus on the social, political, historical positionality of the huma being as a reader)

Theories of LWA

1st group: Formal critical approaches: LWA is self-enclosed unit (not choosing to communicate w/others), conveys aesthetic values NOT depending on context

2nd group: Contextual critical approaches: LWA is an open unit, there is an interaction btw test reader, contexts and traditions

Traditional approaches

Historical-biographical approaches: OLD HISTORICISM: the study of literature is subordinated to some more important discipline (like history, geography, theology). We need background knowledge to interpret the work.

Moral-philosophical approaches: ESSENTIALISM: texts teach us the most fundamental, essential values of the human condition. Function of literature is to teach morality

Formal critical trends (1st shift)

New Criticism: close reading, w/put paying attention to the context, Cleanth Brooks

Russian Formalism: technical aspects of literature, establishment of general principles and theories to explain how aesthetic effects are produced by literary devices, special usage of lg, defamiliarizes and deautomatizes our usual experience of reality, Roman Jakobson, Victor Shklovsky

Structuralism: based ot the linguistic theories of Ferdinand de Saussure, apply a variety of linguistic concepts to the analysis


Reader-oriented criticism (2nd shift)

Reader-response criticism:

Reception theory:

Poststructuralism (3rd shift)

Psychoanalytic criticism:


New historicism:

Feminist criticism:


Gender studies and Queer theory:

Postcolonial theory: