In analysing the social aspects …show more content…
It was a great story. The writer had focused on certain issues in the short stories. Lawrence focused on the crucial aspects of the world nowadays which is considered ‘broken’ as we read the story. This story is about the reality of the broken world nowadays where peoples no longer holding their faith by making sin. A deaf artist, Miss James who was some sort of having a nymph-like power after hearing a ‘laugh’ on her way back from Lorenzo house. The policeman who was also with her on that night also was posses by a supernatural being called Pan. Their new abbilities signal that the world will be reconstructed from the …show more content…
Marchbanks following the prostitute into the house. In our society, that are based on the Islamic and eastern culture dooesn’t allowed the practice of free sex. For the western culture, the practice of free sex might not be a problem and challenge the social etiques. But, for our society, it was considered as a sin and untolerable acts that could brings harm and problem to our social system. In Malaysia, social problems are becoming worst because of the practice of free sex by teenagers. This situation results in the increasing of before marriage pregnancies and child