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18 Cards in this Set

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في مادة الترجمة عند ترجمة نصوص عامة ليست سياسة او علمية ،يمكن تغيير بعض الالفاظ لجعل النص المترجم اجمل

مثلا اذا كان النص الانجليزي اعلان يمكنك جعله أجمل بإضافة بعض الكلمات الجديدة


We don't capitalize

Of / The if it's in the middle of the sentence

The book is entitled ''The History of Syria''

The book is entitled "The Middle of Nowhere

في الترجمة لانكتب مثلا AI نكتب الكلمة كامل Artificial intelligence


Abstracts don't need( the )


We don't say the love

We use comma


- when you call someone by his name

Ex : Dave,

- to separate words that interrupt your thoughts

Ex: The deadline, it seemed clear, simply could not be met


- listing thing

- the form : moth day, year,

Ex : june 21, 1997,

- the form : country, city, street

- when we have many adjectives

- extra information

- With the ending phrase

Ex : your faithfully, Diaa.

- on the other hand ( before and after it)

The comma should be near the first word and then space

Ex : i should be there, and he should too

أعد قراءة ترجمتك وتأكد من الكتابة والقواعد وكلشيء

لان عقلك يكون مشغول بالترجمة ولا ينتبه للاخطاء

لاتترجم كلمة اجنبية إلى كلمة اجنبية اخرى

مثل routine روتين

يمكن أن تترجمها عادات يومية

If there was a quotation, the sentence should end with it and the period/comma/exclamation/ques mark before it

Ex: Mr. John said: "Ask me what you want."

استخدم المعجم لتشيك على كتابتك للكلمات


Let violence fall silent

فليصمت العنف

Let weapons fall silent

فلتصمت الاسلحة

Let weapons fall silent

فلتصمت الاسلحة

He expressed concerns

أعرب عن قلقه


Submissive خاضع

You can't put a comma between two independent clauses

We put a semicolon

We use a semicolon

- when starting a new sentence

Ex: then and Trace and Samuel are all excellent athletes, students, and musicians; they play in a rock band together.

خلصنا صفات انتقلنا لفكرة تانية

- between two independent clauses if there aren't FANBOYS between them

The vacuum cleaner does not work; I have already tried it

- between each group of lists

Ex: I saw Sara, the supervisor; Reem, the director; and Rama, the manager.

- we change the commas into semicolons when there is alot of commas

