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4 Cards in this Set

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ما خاب من استشار

Advice is ever in want!

كل شدة وتزول، شدة وتزول

After black clouds, clear weather

من شب على شئ، شاب عليه!

Always has been, always will be!

هذا الشبل من ذاك الاسد!

A chip off the old block

Idiom Definition "a chip off the old block"to be like or to look like one of your parents"

11) But is the young girl a chip off the old block and as cunning as her mother, ...12) He is, in some ways, a chip off the old block, temperamentally and physically.13) I'm so proud of Robert. He's growing up to be a chip off the old block.14) It might be too soon to start saying that Arjun is a chip off the old block or that his shots have the look of Sachin in them.15) A chip off the old block. Rivaldo's son scores near identical goal to Rivaldo classic.16) A chip off the old block, a spitting image of his father in terms of face ...17) Mark was a chip off the old block right from the outset in raw athletic talent and ...18) ... public to their mother's influence on their lives. # " They are a chip off the old block as they say, they are utterly grounded.19) Paul is a chip off the old block -- espousing many of the same libertarian views as his father.20) Ironically, the younger Mubarak is in many ways not that much of a chip off the old block. Unlike his father, his early career was in investment.