Zealot The Life And Times Of Christ Of Nazareth Summary

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“The history of the movement that emerged out of his life and teachings I usually studied separately in the field of Church History, which is also well-developed and sophisticated (Lynch pg.1)”. Reza Aslan was the author of No god but God, but wrote another book called Zealot: The Life And Times Of Jesus Of Nazareth. The book became number one New York Times bestseller.
Reza Aslan wanted to examine one of history’s most influential person through an ear of the first-century Palestine. Many people thought to be preachers, prophets, or want to be messiahs came through the Holy Land, giving messages from God. It was called the age of zealotry. Throughout the book Reza Aslan describes the convictions and contradictions against Jesus who was trying to establish a vision he had called the “Kingdom of God”. One main goal of Jesus had was to free Israel from Rome which didn’t happen until later
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112).” Many Christians often state that they should live by the teachings of the sermon on the mount (collection of sayings on a number of related themes), when actually Christians have different views on how to take Jesus’s teachings into their lives. Jesus teachings were most likely in the forms of speeches that would appeal to the imagination or raise thought. Many times He asks questions without giving answer. “He regularly talks about one thing in terms of another – through metaphors, similes analogies, and stories that mean more than they say (Bauckham pg. 57)”. An example is when he told a short story about a merchant, who seeks for fine pearls, when he comes across one, sells everything he owns in order to buy it. Jesus explains his response by saying “No one who puts a hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God (Bauckham pg. 57)”, when he could have explained the meaning in simply terms instead of making it complex for one to

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