During the story “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the main protagonist, Jane undergoes a mental cure for her depression called The Rest Cure. The Rest Cure involves isolation and devolution to a degenerate state to allow one’s mental state to regenerate as wounds in flesh do. Unfortunately The Rest Cure ironically caused a severe decline in Jane’s mental health causing her persona to become permanently shattered like a broken piece of glass. Hallucinations change the yellow wallpaper in Jane’s perspective based on the time of day and her emotions. The wallpaper in the narrator’s room mirrors her declining mental health and Jane’s surroundings. I drew my own painting to represent the painting in Jane’s room and I will describe all of the details I put into it from the story.
One of the biggest …show more content…
Jane starts giving inanimate objects human qualities by saying “they suddenly commit suicide-plunge off at outrageous angles”. The lines flow in a similar pattern that humans lives flow. People wish for stabilization but sometimes people collapse in bizarre ways. Jane’s life collapsed during the Rest Cure and in the story, vividly changed. After seeing the wallpaper like this Jane became paranoid and obsessive about small things. She stared at the painting for hours trying to understand it and wanted nobody else to see the painting in her room but herself. I think she developed this behavior because of her isolation from the outside world. Plus, everybody felt like Jane’s condition was not serious and convinced her to believe that her thoughts were normal. Because of this, Jane embraced her paranoid thoughts and her mental health declined exponentially. This all relates to the theme of how mental illness is serious because, with help Jane’s mental health could have