Bureaucracy has changed the Emeritus assisted living homes from a place of care to a place of business. The predictability of bureaucracy refers to the ability to run on a schedule. The staff at these facilities were unable to establish an effective schedule due to under staffing and having residents that had a higher acuity of needs than the staff could meet. This also negatively impacts efficiency of care. I suppose low staffing and high resident ratio is cost efficient, however it is not therapeutically efficient when people are being neglected. The video showed a former Emeritus employee saying that she had to run down the halls with meds to be sure residents were getting what they needed and she was fired for a med error. It was interesting listening to Granger Cobb state his rationale that dying is an inevitable part of life or that human error happens, and while that is true, it was interesting to learn that the many questionable deaths documented could have been prevented by …show more content…
The bosses and owners of Emeritus were huge on having the facilities full regardless of the number of staff they had employed or the medical acuity these residents brought with them. Lingering dying trajectory means that a person is in the dying process for a long period of time, which can be costly in a financial sense as well as emotionally. With technology and medicine today, it is common for someone to have a lingering dying trajectory which increases the need for assisted living, nursing homes, and long-term care facilities. Apart from Emeritus, the growing demand for people to live in one of these homes means a growing demand for people to take care of them; nurse assistants, nurses, and