The relative deprivation theory talks about how the perception of unfair disparity between different situations leads to crime (Boyd, 2014). The theory also states crime rates are based on social inequality. In Wortopolis many of the residents who have lived there a long time watched newcomers take high paying jobs. The residents were then stuck with low paying service sector jobs. This wealth disparity made them relatively deprived in comparison to the newcomers. This increased the perception among people who had the low paying jobs that they were not included in the city’s success. When the permanent residents watched the city go through a long recession and then watched everything but their lives prosper, they will get upset. This perception along with the fact that the citizens who endured the recession with their city did not get jobs that newcomers got will lead to frustration. The theory also states social inequality will also lead to crime. Despite the new jobs, the city’s unemployment rate is still three times higher than it was before the recession. This has made the alternative of property and violent crime more appealing. The social bond theory and relative deprivation theory both work together to show why crime in Wortopolis has not …show more content…
The relative deprivation theory can only explain crime that was committed by people who may not be as fortunate as others may. It can only explain crime that was committed by people who were relatively deprived in comparison to the standard. The social bond theory faces a limitation when it comes to establishment as a reason behind crime. The social bond theory has elements, which are difficult to establish because they are often personal. The four categories of attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief are often held internally and can only be measured when it has an impact on society through crime. It also faces a limitation when it comes to establishing why loitering rates went up. The social bond theory also cannot explain why people loitered more after the recession ended. The social bond theory and relative deprivation theory can explain the high crime, and the increasing drug trafficking, and prostitution in Wortropolis. The social inequality has led to the lack of belief in the city’s ability to help the people who are not financially stable. The inability to help the citizens has led to them feeling relatively deprived which resulted in higher in drug trafficking, prostitution and loitering rates in Wortopolis. The breakdown in belief and the relative deprivations citizens faced caused the increased in