He knew that cutting trade off completely with Europeans would bring serious consequences to the American people. His first attempt of neutralization was to ban private American bank loans to the nations involved in war. He believed this would make it impossible for these countries to get what they needed to keep fighting. The ban was lifted in 1915 due to fear that nations would stop buying American goods, which could lead to an economic recession. Another possible way to stay neutral was to trade with and loan money to both sides. American manufactures and banks were free to do business with both the Allies and Germany. However, the charts of the U.S. exports showed that they chose to primarily help the Allies. The American banks were loaning up to $10 million a day to Britain, but American trade with Germany had dropped. The final attempt of neutrality ultimately provokes the confrontation with Germany. Woodrow Wilson declared the rights America held as a neutral nation stating that they had the right to trade with whomever they please and travel wherever they …show more content…
First, there were a lot of sympathies for England. Even though we had conflicts with Britain it is important to realize the common Anglo-American heritage that exists between us. We share a language; have similar government and legal structures. We saw their viewpoints, because we could read their stories! Another aspect concerning cultural issues is Nationalism. Nationalism is the belief that loyalty to one nation is more important than any other public loyalty. Nationalist defend the country they love and accept the slaughter that comes with it. Nationalism was one of the main causes for Europe losing almost an entire generation due to the war. Military power was manifestation of national strength. In World War 1 they choose to solve their problems militarily instead of diplomatically. The advances in military technology were moving at a very fast pace and this caused competition to develop stronger and more effective weapons. All these considerations played a major role in the intensifying