The Roman people were the most successful ancient civilization. First of all, they had a very strong military and were able to conquer many other strong countries. Another reason is because of how advanced their government was and how their law system works. The third reason is their entertainment and how we even watch and enjoy things Rome did hundreds of years ago.
Military Power
First of all, Rome was able to conquer many other countries and civilizations with their powerful military. Rome had a great, strong, and advanced military. It had 51 different ranks such as centurions, which would control 100 men, immunes, who were extremely skilled at combat, legates, who were like generals and would command the battle, and …show more content…
At a certain time in history, Rome was a republic and had senators, praetors, and consuls, and this is a system we even use today! It’s part of what helped Rome grow and be successful because they were able to keep control of everything and it still is what keeps control today. They had law that was enforced and people could be punished such as being executed or having to fight for their as entertainment for Roman people. It may have been harsh but it kept everyone in line. They also had coins for currency, proving they were civilized. This also allowed businesses like markets with meat or sandals and clothing or make-up stands to come around in cities and it improved Rome as a whole. With all the jobs and the currency factor this would make a social status factor for the rich or the …show more content…
As we still use today, they had plays that had drama and action, although it wasn’t the most popular, but was still part of Roman entertainment. There would be huge amphitheaters where the plays would go on. It would be huge to hold many people. During plays, people would wear masks that would show emotion. The masks would also have curved mouths so that their voice would be projected. The biggest entertainment systems was held in a huge bowl shaped structure called a coliseum. There would be many different events like gladiator battles where people would have to fight for their life as mentioned earlier. With gladiator battles, there was also naval battles. The first thing that would happen is the ships would be brought in. Then it would be flooded and people would board the ship. The ships would then fight and would try to kill everyone on the enemy ship like drowning them. This was very popular and big in Roman times. It was used as a form of punishment for the people fighting and people would come and watch it for entertainment. There was also chariots races in which people would race, like NASCAR