Why The Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted By Malcolm Gladwell

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Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted “Small Change: Why The Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted” by Malcolm Gladwell, is rhetorically an effective argument that describes why social media is not a powerful tool in social change or activism. Published by The New Yorker on October 4, 2010, Gladwell uses accessible language, supports his thesis using the past and present movements and also used a variety of sources. Malcolm Gladwell uses rhetorical strategies to support his argument by using ethos, pathos, and logos to convey his message and to establish the differences between a group coming together for a cause on social media and a group personally and physically coming together for real world cause.
In Gladwell’s essay, he argued
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His claim that organization is an absolute necessity when it comes to creating change is well contrasted with the failed social network revolutions by the PLO, in Tehran, and in Moldova. He contrasts that with how the military ­style training and organization created a sense of mission and authority. He pointed out that each group was task­ oriented and served a direct purpose. This claim works in conjunction with his other claim that real revolution requires strong, rather than weak ties. He shows this by illustrating how the early sit-ins at the Greensboro, counter were made up of people within strong community ties to one another. Gladwell points out that friends pushed other friends to join and participate in the Civil Rights movement. He illustrated the strong ties that occurred during the civil rights movement occurred elsewhere, for example, the Mississippi Freedom Summer project of 1964, the Red Brigades in Italy, Mujahideen in Afghanistan, and the demonstrations in East Germany. He contrasts this with the lack of strong ties in the social media …show more content…
He gives examples of how Civil Rights activists experienced violence. Gladwell adds up his argument by explaining that online social networks may help to get the message out to more people, may lead to great ideas, and concepts, but the weak ties we develop through social networking may replace our ability to maintain strong ties and create real change. He provides a counter­claim to support his argument that ideas will spread quickly with the example of the lost cell phone in NYC, but goes on to say that social networks, due to the previously stated claims, but will never go beyond that to create actual changes by using facts and examples to bring logic to his point of view. He uses quotes from different sources to further and to prove the audience that his claim is not brought from far away but based in fact. Whenever he shared his opinion, he cites his evidence, for example, the N.A.A.C.P, the Dragonfly Effect and much

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