Why The Minimum Wage Should Be Raised

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The notion of raising the minimum wage is dividing people on their opinions of whether it could make or break the nation. With many small businesses built on giving low income to their workers, the increase would definitely ruin them, thus disrupting the economy. However, one should not look only into how it will affect the economy, but the lives of those who are making low-income salaries. Although an increase in the minimum wage could generate drastic consequences, its benefits will offset any of the bad effects it may have and solve a number of society’s problems. Most people believe that raising the minimum wage can result to a substantial loss of profits that force smaller businesses to close down. They will not be able to pay their employees, and this will result in a vast number of unemployed individuals that “would be gradually replaced by [technology]” (Roth). However, the idea that people can easily be replaced is wrong. It’s inevitable that …show more content…
Many will argue that minimum wage jobs are not meant to be life-long jobs but a stepping stone into the workforce, and those who are complaining about the low-pay should try to do something about it, such as enhance their skills or get an education. However, most often than not, minimum wage workers take on these jobs for they have no immediate way to support themselves; they do not have the time nor money to further their education since they are barely acquiring a livable wage and can’t afford to lose even a small fraction of it. A full-time worker making “$31,000 a year…[is] barely enough to support a family,” or themselves (Reich). If wages increase, it will create opportunities since individuals are able to obtain the same or a greater pay with reduced time; this can grant them the freedom to pursue things and maybe enrich themselves to tackle complex occupations. Moreover, it may result to less crimes since they will less likely feel

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