Analysis Of Why Scientists Should Embrace Liberal Arts By David Skorton

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David Skorton, in the article “Why Scientists Should Embrace Liberal Arts”, argues that scientists must supplement their science and engineering education with a study of the humanities to effectively inform the populous. Through the humanities, Skorton believes scientists can develop a better understanding of the human conditions, thus better emotionally connecting with people lacking a scientific background. Skorton’s article contributes a perspective towards solving a larger problem of the drift between the scientific community and the general public’s perception of scientific truth, particularly the scientific truths that inform politically charged debates. Skorton effectively aggrandizes the scientific community as potential saviors of …show more content…
Mike Bunn explains that the evidence used within a writing reflects the intention of the author (80). Within “Why Scientists Should Embrace Liberal Arts”, Skorton references “The supposed link between autism and common childhood vaccines” (Skorton) to demonstrate the dangers of promoting misleading science. However, due to the popularity of this example, this reference acts as an appeal to ethos by demonstrating a common experience between Skorton and the reader. Similarly, Skorton’s complaints about how “…we [scientists] can’t make headway against misinformation campaigns based on bogus science or political agendas” (Skorton) and how faulty scientific knowledge “limits the effectiveness of our work as well as our ability to garner the financial and political support” (Skorton) fosters a feeling on comradery between scientific readers and Skorton based on shared concerns. By using widely known examples of scientific malfeasance and …show more content…
Skorton’s article effectively achieves in motivating scientists and students to integrate humanities into their curriculums by portraying this action as important and a symbol of solidarity with the scientific community. Ultimately, Skorton employs man’s most innate desires contributing to something larger than oneself to motivate readers to effectively convey his solution to the issue of faulty scientific

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