Redundancy is often times called the best backup plan. Nevertheless, there are limits to just how many items you can carry, because you fear one may become lost, broken or in some cases, is not the exact tool or material for the job.
Where Redundancy Is Important
Survival packs for each member of the group or family is important. If a member becomes separated from the group or family that person needs the supplies, tools, and materials to survive independently of the group. It would be easy to imagine a family or group dividing supplies in various packs based on much a person can carry. The older or bigger members may be tasked with carrying the water or food supply because it is heavier. The younger children would of course carry the lighter supplies. This method only works if everyone ends up in the same place at the same time.
If the one carrying the water loses the …show more content…
It is a small investment to buy the solar panel and rechargeable batteries, but it will pay off soon enough.
How many knives do you need? If you worry that one knife will break then you have to worry about all of your knives breaking, and this could be an endless cycle of worry and over packing. Carry a quality fixed bladed knife, a multi-tool, a folding knife and maybe even carry a machete. Each cutting tool can essentially perform the same tasks, so if one does break or gets lost you have a backup. Think of multiple uses for an item instead of trying to carry six knives that can get heavy in the pack.
Know multiple methods of doing something instead of trying to carry six of everything to perform one job. Know how to start a fire with a bow and drill, for example, because you can gather the materials from your environment. You can make a bow and drill with a knife and some cordage. This is where knowledge will lighten your