As Canadians it is important to know the history of our country. When Canada was a colony of Britain we did have a voice and only had to follow Britain's decisions. It is important to learn about history by the events, actions, and decisions that Canada has made. The Canadian society has come a long way from what they were in the early 1900’s.
World war one is an event that not many Canadians are fully aware about, especially young teenagers in our society. We should learn about WWI and why it is important to Canadians. Even though we’ve never had a war on our home soil, does not mean we should forget the fallen ones that were sent overseas to fight for our freedom. WWI was a huge battle that everyone lost a husband, dad, brother and or son to. On November 11th we take the day to remember all the soldiers who lost their lives for us and our country. All Canadians should learn the most important parts of war. Some including,The shooting of Franz Ferdinand, French-English conscription crisis, Chlorine gas, Life in the trenches, War in air, War at sea, Canada’s 100 days. As a Canadian who likes to learn about history, I found these were …show more content…
Most people are familiar with these terms but don’t know why the 1920’s and 1930’s were referred to as that. It was the boom to bust. We had a growth in the economy and all of Europe could but out produce. We also had a growing automobile industry which lead to spin off industries. This was the start of prosperity in the nineteen twenties. Then our stock market crashed, everyone put their money into stocks because if that’s where the money was why not put all your money into it. That was the beginning of the Great Depression, millions of people suffered and so did all the factories and businesses. Not only did Canada suffer but so did our neighbours U.S.A, Japan, Germany, Australia, and Chile. Throught the good times and the bad we all stick together and so does our