Individual: 1868- 1877 Andrew Johnson was the seventeenth president from 1865 to 1869. Johnson was the first president who had been impeached by the U.S House of Representatives. He was impeached because he didn’t respect the Tenure of Office Act. Susan B. Anthony was an abolitionist and women’s rights advocate. She was also the other founder of the National Women Suffrage Association in 1869.…
Anthony played a major role in women’s suffrage movement, impacting society and the government. When the Civil War was over Anthony’s main focus was women’s suffrage. Anthony and Stanton founded the National Women Suffrage Association. Both women then created The Revolution, stating that women should have equal rights as men. This was important to the women because they worked the same jobs as men so they believed that they should have equal rights.…
Susan B. Anthony was the dominant figure of the organization from the year of its foundation to 1900. Susan B. Anthony worked hard to give women the right to vote. on the elections of 1872, she exercised her citizen right to vote but was sent to trial on 1873, for voting illegally. Before her trial Susan B. Anthony gave a speech that said: Friends…
Not a lot of women in United States history are talked about, but Jane Addams should definitely be one of them since she improved the lives of so many. She was a progressive reformer and an advocate for the settlement house movement. The settlement house movement was made to improve conditions for immigrants and other residents. Jane was a middle class American activist/reformer and leader in women's suffrage who improved the lives of many poor individuals.…
Later on in 1871 and 1972, groups of women went to vote as they were able to register, but were not able to vote. This struck up a wide debate amongst others. Two of the most important people were Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, as they were two of the strongest women who fought and fought for their rights as women. Sisters covers women’s history from the Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell-…
The. You may be wondering what all of these issues have in common. Abigail Adams, one of the most influential women in American history, fought for equality in these areas and various others. She advocated to “remember the ladies” and was one of the earliest women’s rights activists. Along with her political and social contributions, Adams led a happy, successful home life and assisted her husband with his presidential career.…
Susan B. Anthony wanted for women to have the right to vote, so she fought for her belief. She wanted to test the women’s legal right to vote, so she voted illegally. Susan B. Anthony successfully fought for women’s suffrage, by campaigning and writing. During the 1800s, women did not have much freedom, and they did not get to choose what they did or didn’t want to do.…
By the nineteenth century, social activists pressed for women rights, along with the elimination of slavery. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was an American feminist that was a women who was well known in the women’s right movement She was able help pass twelve resolutions in demanding that lawmakers should grant women the right to vote, attend public schools, enter professional careers, along with participating in public affairs. In addition to all the women I mentioned, earlier there were also some other amazing women of the revolutionary war. These amazing women were Mary Ball Washington, Martha Custis Washington, Lucy Flucker Knox, Abigail Adams, Mercy Otis Warren, Catherine Moore Barry, Sybil Ludington, Nancy Hart, Esther DeBerdt Reed, and Margaret Cochran Corbin.…
Susan Brownell Anthony was born February 15, 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts to Daniel and Lucy Anthony. Born into a quaker family, she was the second oldest of eight. Only six remained to see their older age, one child was stillborn and the other died at the age of two. In 1826 the family moved to New York. At a young age she had shown interest in social causes.…
Finally Susan B Anthony, a lot trying to get women to be able to vote. She worked tirelessly trying, she did speeches, protests, and even illegally voted. She later died in 1906 and women were still not able to vote. 14 years later the 19th amendment was passed allowing women to be able to vote. She was remembered by her hard work and dedication for them to be able…
Three very important women that help achieve this are Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucy Stone. Hailed as “the Napoleon of the women’s rights movement,” Susan Brownell Anthony led the fight for women’s suffrage for more than 50 years, bringing to the cause superb organizational abilities, boundless energy, and single-minded determination. Susan B. Anthony was born on February 15, 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts into a reform-minded Quaker family. At an early age, Anthony was most interested in reform movements, but only temperance and abolition. At great speed, she drove herself into work, involving herself with reform movements.…
She also made impacts on women’s rights, that still impact women today. She helped people with the same thinking actually follow through, and wrote about it. She reformed the idea of religion and how it impacts women. She was a suffragist who later married a abolitionist who later changed everybody’s opinion on how women should be treated based on the bible. While commonly Susan B. Anthony is the most common name you hear when talking about women's rights, Stanton had an impact just as big.…
It was a cold night on February 15, 1820 that Susan was born. Her parents were Daniel and Lucy Anthony. Her family was a Quaker family, which believed women are equal to men and learning is necessary. She could read and write at the age of three. At the age of six, their family moved to Battenville, New York. As a woman, Susan B. was not allowed speak in public at a convention since she was a woman and she realized that in politics, no one would take her seriously unless women could vote.…
The Most Important First Lady There has never been given enough credit to many of those who deserve it. Our past and previous presidents of the United States were quite important, but what about their wives? The first ladies of every one of our presidents played incredible roles within the country. I believe, that they each had their own unique way of handling their job as mothers of the United States. America’s first First Lady was Martha Washington, who was then succeeded by Abigail Adams and Dolly Madison, the second and fourth first ladies of the United States.…
For centuries women where cursed, beaten, and neglected just because they wanted a voice in American society. There was a time before when women were not treated equally in comparison to men. A woman 's sole purpose of living was to cook, clean, and take care of her children. Women had no right in deciding who they wanted to be and they surely had no voice in government or politics of American society. Starting in the mid nineteenth century, women began protested to show how passionate they were to vote and be in control.…