In this era our rights are being infringed such as our right to bear arms. The second amendment gives the power and right to the bear arms says Peter Moore, writer in today's politics for YouGov. “15% of Americans say that the second amendment is a very important amendment”(Moore). Although the most important Amendment at 45% agreeing is the first amendment(Moore). These being only a few of the more important amendments, but the most infringed upon such as gun restriction laws and forcing laws against moral …show more content…
As consumers, we trust corporations with private information like phone numbers, home addresses, SSID numbers, and in some cases interests or search history. Facebook and Google, which are tech giants, sells out your history to companies like Target to advertise merchandise on the internet that is personally tailored to you. Target and other well known stores have been hacked for customer information. A few easy rules to follow to prevent getting hacked are not shopping online and pay with cash as much as possible. According to Lee Rainie, an expert in research in internet, science and technology if one cannot, they are among “91% of Americans who say they do not have control of their personal information online”(Rainie 7). However, Mary Madden, who works with Lee Rainie states “93% of adults say that being in control of being in control of who can get information about them is important”(Madden). This comes to show the a great majority of the population does not have great faith with online privacy. Even celebrity Stephen Colbert “confronted Facebook and Google for selling us out on his tv show Late Night with Stephen Colbert”(Papenfuss). With no amendment strictly protecting privacy, we would now have problems with being sold out as pawns to just make more