Why I Want To Be In Jail

Decent Essays
Why do you want to write on this topic?
• In my American government class, we have a textbook that we read and in this book it went over the American prison system and how we have the most people incarcerated in all of the world. Over and over again, jail doesn’t actually reform the people that are in there. It’s a revolving door. I want to write on this topic because I want to educate myself on why we are wasting tax dollars on people that are becoming less of a human being by being in jail. What needs to change to make them able to go back into society and be a productive member of it.
What do you already know about this topic?
• From what I’ve read and the TV shows I’ve watched I know that the inmates are never really doing anything productive with their prison sentence. All they have to do is wake up and just wander around and not have
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I think it’s going to be hard to stay on a specific task because there’s so many things that are wrong with the system, so it’s going to be hard to stick to just a few topics. Sometimes just starting the paper is also difficult so I’ll just have to make sure that I write down all of my thoughts and ideas beforehand and translate them onto paper.
What do you expect to learn from your research?
• I plan on learning about different prisons and what they are doing to improve or transform those prisoners lives. In the end, what are they really in there for? What is the purpose of a prison? I think it’s important for Americans to know where their money is going and what it is being used for. The fact that most of the correctional officers and wardens are corrupt and could be easily taking our money for themselves. I want to learn what also works for changing people’s lives and what doesn’t. I’m also going to really cement in my head that I never plan on going to jail that’s for sure.
Why does your topic matter, and to

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