Why I Use Trigger Warnings

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In an academic setting, the use of trigger warnings allow students to be exposed to new material while effectively preparing them for possibly shocking or traumatic information, enabling them to excel in academics. In college classes, students are often exposed to new concepts and material they would not have encountered in high school. For some students, the graphic subjects contained in the material may be unnerving. When students encounter uncomfortable content without warning, they are often too focused on the shocking material to effectively understand the context of what they are studying. In “School’s Out at Columbia, but a Debate Over Trigger Warnings Continues,” Charlotte Bullard Davies, a student, mentions that by using trigger warnings, students are made aware of …show more content…
For survivors of traumatic experiences such as natural disasters, sexual assault, or war, reading material pertaining to these subjects without adequate warning can lead to intense reminders of the traumatizing event. As mentioned by Kate Manne in the article “Why I Use Trigger Warnings,” when reminded of traumatic subjects such as these, someone may experience a panic attack and become very anxious, leading to disorientation, nausea, confusion, and even difficulty breathing. Manne continues to say, “they temporarily render people unable to focus, regardless of their desire or determination to do so.” Despite their desire, if trigger warnings were not in place, multiple students would struggle to effectively learn. They would not be able to control their reaction if they were not effectively prepared for a reminder of their past traumatic experiences due to the graphic content that is present in their

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