White Americans felt that they were losing power due to newly freed blacks , white lynch mobs started to directly assault against entire communities. Invading communities led to race riots which involved multiple deaths and lynchings destroying many lives. Race riots were around to maintain power within white racist lynch mobs .During the year of 1919 many lynchings occurred inside of the massive twenty-six race riots in one summer . This period of massive became known as the “The Red Summer” the worst span of interracial violence the nation had ever witnessed (Johnson).Over one hundred African Americans were killed in The Red Summer of 1919 riots, and thousands was injured or homeless ("The Red Summer of 1919: Race Riots in Over 3 Dozen U.S States." ) . African Americans out of fear of being lynched seeked for a vendetta against white racist lynch mobs for the loved ones they kilt. During The Red Summer a lynching case took place in Illinois July 1919 , the case involved a young African American lynched by a mob near a swimming area. The Teenager reported to have drowned, scars and bruises on his body shows he suffered multiple attack from weapons also . 15 White American and 18 African Americans were found dead at the end of the case,white lynch mobs felt equally powered to African Americans due to the equal casualties from different demographics. There were estimated of 600 people …show more content…
Anti-lynching movement was a civil rights movement established in the United States , the movement was to end lynching