Farmers, the people who create the crops we use and consume in our daily lives. As it became more and more difficult to transport …show more content…
The yellow fever was a vector borne illness spread by mosquitoes. The yellow fever began to kill off the population at an astonishing rate. “Its symptoms are very different in different people”, many of the “remedies” they normally used to cure malignant fevers in the past did not work though baths of hot vinegar relieved and in some cases even saved people’s lives. The yellow fever began to get out of hand killing off more and more people every day and so a committee was called. “Eighteen people were cited for contributions, of the eighteen people cited for contributions to the citizens’ committee on the fever, nine were definitely democratic-republicans” of the remaining nine only one was a federalist. Democratic-republicans gained reputation for helping the …show more content…
The population split as each person wanted change in their own way. Federalists wished to join with the British while the “Democratic-Republic” wished to join with the French. The major split appeared when the republicans wanted a strong government and the Democratic-Republic wanted the people to have most of the power. Each sides began to claw at one another’s throats spewing insults refusing to come together and work out their differences. “By the presidential election of 1800, most of the country had become involved in the gradual process of party building” this led to the system that we see