A few people who considered themselves to be Federalists were John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. These three men drafted what was called “The Federalist Papers.” These papers pulled together their thoughts about wanting to ratify and adopt the Constitution of the United States, and went on to describe how the United States was unstable and the only way to make it stronger and more secure was to give all of the power to the Government and have a strong central government to excite the economy, essentially like Great Britain. The Anti-Federalists joined together with their ideals of limited government to create the Democratic-Republicans. The many people in this party wanted more out of a name then just something that was just going to oppose the Federalist point of view, hence “Democratic-Republicans” instead of the “Anti-Federalists.” The Democratic-Republicans eventually won out the argument between a strong central government and individual state rights and the Democratic-Republican Party began to crumble and divide again into two separate “parties” with slightly differing
A few people who considered themselves to be Federalists were John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. These three men drafted what was called “The Federalist Papers.” These papers pulled together their thoughts about wanting to ratify and adopt the Constitution of the United States, and went on to describe how the United States was unstable and the only way to make it stronger and more secure was to give all of the power to the Government and have a strong central government to excite the economy, essentially like Great Britain. The Anti-Federalists joined together with their ideals of limited government to create the Democratic-Republicans. The many people in this party wanted more out of a name then just something that was just going to oppose the Federalist point of view, hence “Democratic-Republicans” instead of the “Anti-Federalists.” The Democratic-Republicans eventually won out the argument between a strong central government and individual state rights and the Democratic-Republican Party began to crumble and divide again into two separate “parties” with slightly differing