The purpose of the lab was to find out if the mass of the curd would increase if more acid were to be added to the milk.
Background Information The major proteins found in milk, casein and whey, are great at providing all the important amino acids. The only difference between the two is that whey is a quick digesting protein and casein is slow digesting. Whey is beneficial because it provides fast amino acids, resulting in fast protein synthesis. Casein, however, has a longer lasting effect than whey. There was a study done where healthy people were given either 30 grams of casein or whey and measured the anabolic and catabolic effects for 7 hours. Whey resulted in an …show more content…
One of the studies done shows that the process to make curd includes the casein protein breaking down either over time or sped up by a strong acid. This process is called hydrolysis. When this happens, the casein protein structure changes to form curd, and the substances left behind are whey, as well as other minor proteins and water (Boutrou et al, 1). Casein has a molecular formula that dramatically differs from when curdled. The molecular formula for alpha-casein is C38H57N9O9, the most common casein protein. There are usually four different types of casein proteins in milk: alpha-s1 casein, alpha-s2 casein, beta casein, and kappa casein. There are also four different types of whey proteins: beta-lactoglubulin, beta-lactalbumin, immunoglobulin, and serum albumin. The alpha-s series in casein is non-homogenous, meaning that it is not all the same. It is divided into two groups: alpha-s1 and alpha-s2. 30.6% of all protein is alpha-s1 casein. The experiment was to observe if the difference in the amount of acid added affected the mass of the curd by either increasing or decreasing the …show more content…
The graph shows that with 10mL of vinegar, the curd mass is 1.4g. When 30mL of vinegar was added, it brought up the mass of the curd to 10.4g, which also happened again when the amount of vinegar was increased to 50mL, the mass was 25.4g. As more acid was added (in this case vinegar) more casein proteins were manipulated into curd, which also resulted in a decrease in size. When only 10mL of vinegar was added, not all of the casein was changed, which made the substance left behind in the beaker contain more casein