This is important part how the conch has only fifty percentage of power, since they split, one still following it and the other totally make their own power. So, by this time the conch is losing its power. If we connect that to the people in reality, we can connect them through the terrorist. They are the people who are willing to kill and die in a fight for their belief. They can bomb and shoot innocent people because of the rules of their leader. Even though they still follow their leader’s rules, some of them do it for their personal interest. Power always needs to be handling correctly, if not imbalances will create bad result. So, William Golding uses the destroying power of the conch in his symbolic novel Lord of the Flies, to show the theme of absolute power corrupts integrity and to represent the
This is important part how the conch has only fifty percentage of power, since they split, one still following it and the other totally make their own power. So, by this time the conch is losing its power. If we connect that to the people in reality, we can connect them through the terrorist. They are the people who are willing to kill and die in a fight for their belief. They can bomb and shoot innocent people because of the rules of their leader. Even though they still follow their leader’s rules, some of them do it for their personal interest. Power always needs to be handling correctly, if not imbalances will create bad result. So, William Golding uses the destroying power of the conch in his symbolic novel Lord of the Flies, to show the theme of absolute power corrupts integrity and to represent the