Kameron Brooks Period 5 March 18, 2018 Moonport The Space Age was one of the industries that built our country. It was a race for the win to see who could get into space first, even though we weren’t first in space we were the first on the moon. Moonport was a film they produced regarding the space age and the questions that were asked was how did Florida grow, who the film influenced, and what the life was like in Florida at the time. NASA influenced Florida’s growth as it researched more regarding space.…
The Everglades is a natural park where visitors can see alligators, and take a ride on a hovercraft, located southeast of Florida. It features a variety of fauna and flora in over 6,000 kms long and is approximately one hour from the city of Miami. In recent years it has been affected by the amount of pollutants in the water. A recent study by the University of Florida showed significantly higher levels of pollution in the sediment of the Everglades, an extension of surface water and reed 160 by 80 kilometers, known as the river rushes.…
To most tourist and even many Florida natives the sunshine state has become nothing more than a Disney fueled tourist attraction situated with warm weather. While in many instances this description is an accurate depiction of the state it is worthwhile to note that this has not always been the case and before the 1971 opening of the magic kingdom, Florida was graced with numerous odd and intriguing roadside tourist attractions. North West Florida in particular was home to many of the states oddly unique tourist attractions which garnered local fame with tourist and visitors trying to get a glimpse of the Floridian culture. The miracle strip is a term, which refers to the region of Panama City and the other Florida coastal beach cities which…
Bass Fishing in Florida – Where to Fish for Bass in Florida Florida is known for its unbelievable water world and wildlife found throughout its land and waters. It is sometimes referred to as the best fishing in the entire United States. Florida is not only home to smallmouth bass and largemouth bass, but also to many additional species of fish. As Florida is such a well-known and popular tourist attraction, so are its rivers, lakes and ponds. Guided tours and guided fishing trips can be found in their hundreds.…
During the period from the mid-16th century (1500s) to the 19th century (1800s), the Spanish controlled large areas of the modern-day Southwest and West Coast of the United States. Florida was originally colonized by the Spanish and includes St. Augustine, the oldest permanent European colony in North America. Spanish explorers landed in Florida during the Easter season ("Pascua Florida") and called the land "Florida," which means flowery in Spanish. The Spanish also controlled large areas in the modern-day states of Texas, California, and New Mexico.…
Why Florida? Let’s assume you want to be here, or that Florida is on your short list of potential locales. The lure is obvious if you hail from a colder climate. The Sunshine State’s year-round warm and mild winters may make you forget that furnaces exist!…
Since our establishing more than 160 years back, we've ceaselessly pushed the limits of learning forward. With our finger on the beat and an eye upcoming, we've sought after the best statures of exploration and advancement, constantly together and dependably for the improvement of Florida and the world. In 1858, James Henry Roper, a teacher from North Carolina and a state congressperson from Alachua County, opens a school in Gainesville: the Gainesville Academy. In 1866, Roper offers his property and school to the State of Florida in return for the migration of the East Florida Seminary to Gainesville.…
We love our Everglades. The Everglades a popular and beautiful place in southern Florida. Unfortunately, much of it is being destroyed and polluted. The Everglades are crucial to plants and animals including human survival. Everything interacts with one another, such as the food chain.…
The Spanish started coming to Florida with the population of two hundred thousand that was already decreasing from the disease from the Caribbean. The disease from the Caribbean’s came the Spaniards while the where trading and the let the natives in Florida know who they were. Juan Ponce de Leon went to land and named it Florida the primary goal was to get slaves for labor, sexual, guides, porters, and suppliers. While at the bay getting repairs being approached by archers and shield men they attacked leading to the capture of women but warriors caused them to withdraw. Three Spanish ships tried to stop at the bay, but stopped by the warriors, but killed thirty-five of the Indians.…
Now one could see why this is a serious matter. People may think massive fish kills aren't effecting us that atrociously since there ’s so many fish in the sea, however it effects Florida's economy. Aquaculture refers to the breeding, rearing and harvesting of plants and animals in all types of water environment. Florida is a peninsula, meaning water surrounds the piece of land by three sides.…
According to the film they liked the location because it was isolated, surrounded by water, and the exact point where they were located stuck out further that the rest of the land in the ocean, this made them feel as if they had their own launching pad. When the space program started so did the so did the start of a rich economy. The location Of Florida was already a big hit. It had the nice warm weather, the sandy…
Florida's Everglades is very important to us. Without the Everglades peoples water supply will go to risk, we wouldn’t have a natural buffer to help prevent the damage of hurricanes, and people would dump their unwanted pets causing problems to our food chains. Without the Everglades or wetlands people will be risking their water supply. People don’t realize that when they are polluting the Everglades they are not just harming the Everglades but they are also harming themselves. People nearby use that water for their water supply and if people are constantly polluting the Everglades then these people are bathing, drinking, and playing in polluted water.…
A lot of people travel to New York and Florida personally; I travel to New York a lot because that's where I am originally from. I love traveling back and forward to New York and Florida and seeing the difference between the states. The weather, the fashion and the lifestyle are totally different when going from Florida to New York. I love the difference that we have from New York, I learn something new every time. People ask me all the time would I move back to New York and my answer will remain, no not if I don't have to…
Florida sweet oranges have three seasons which overlap, early season, mid-season, and late season. The Red Navels grown in Florida have a very deep red color similar to the Star Ruby grapefruit. Florida is known for their large amount of oranges. Oranges have been popular in Florida since 1882. In Florida, there are about 569,000 acres of citrus groves and more than 74 million citrus trees.…
In this essay, it will be further discuss on the question whether culture and the arts should be funded if they are not profitable. According to Edward Tylor, “culture is a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society” (Tylor, 1889). Culture and arts is an important element that the people today should not neglect, as it is present in every society and nation. It also represents the society in terms of its ideas, feelings and values. With that, it is reasonable to say that the richness of a society is determined by its art and culture.…