Arts do have the tendency to influence the society. Bazalgette also mentioned with the following examples of our society without the presence of arts: Take the collective memory from our museums; remove the bands from our schools and choirs from our communities; lose the empathetic plays and dance from our theatres or the books from our libraries; expunge our festivals, literature and painting, and you're left with a society bereft of a national conversation. In the recent years, the relationship between the educational and arts and culture have been getting closer. The younger generations actively took part in activities and join the event such as drama and role playing. There is also an improvement in the student’s learning progress when they took part in arts and music activities. With this, it leads to schools from all around the world are more than willing to recognise the value and the importance of …show more content…
According to Jones, “In the past three years, 71% of artists didn't get a fee for contributions to publicly-funded exhibitions. And this culture of non-payment is actually stopping artists from accepting offers from galleries, with 63% forced to reject gallery offers because they can't afford to work for nothing.” (Jones, 2014). Visual arts add value to public places and the work of an artist should be recognised.
Apart from the government in Australia, Singapore’s government also had developed Singapore’s first museum in the neighbourhood community, naming after “Our Museum @ Taman Jurong”. It is located at Taman Jurong Community Club and the purpose of the museum is to showcase artefacts and artworks from Singapore’s National Collection, as well as the art work coming from the local residents. This is part of National Heritage Board of Singapore plan: to allow Singaporeans to appreciate their heritage of their neighbourhood and take ownership of