What Is Komodo Dragons?

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Rather than stalking its prey, Komodo Dragons rely on camouflage as they patiently lie in wait, covered by tall grass. When the perfect opportunity at any passing prey arises, the dragon springs, using its powerful legs, sharp claws and serrated, shark-like teeth to eviscerate its prey. Once finished, virtually nothing is left because they devour everything. If the prey is large, the lizard tackles its legs first to nock it down, as their long claws dig into the body, then quickly rips into the body (as animal bleeds to death). They have been known to take down adult water buffalo weighing over 1,300 pounds. Even their own species are at risk – young dragons make up a 1/10 of the adult dragons’ diet. In order to survive younglings will roll excrement to mask their scent and live in trees to stay out of sight of cannibalistic elders. …show more content…
The serrated teeth of the Komodo holds pieces of meat from previous meals making it mouth a breeding ground for bacteria. In fact, the mouth of a Komodo contains over 50 strains of bacteria, some of which are septic. While the Komodo bite is not deadly to another Komodo, a single bite from a Komodo dragon will cause blood poisoning, and the victim will be dead within the week. The toxicity of this bacteria is being challenged by researchers. In 2009, Bryan Fry from the University of Queensland discovered that the Komodo “has venom glands, which are loaded with toxins that lower blood pressure, cause massive bleeding, prevent clotting and induce shock” (Yong, 2013). The venom interferes with the prey’s healing mechanism following an attack. The reptile’s keen sense of smell then helps it to locate its

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