According to Google the meaning of integrity is as follows: 1. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness and 2. The state of being whole and undivided. So I ask again what does integrity mean to you? Let me tell you what integrity means me. The integrity of a person is very important to me. It tells me how the person was brought up and the kind of family they come from. I was brought up with a very strong set of morals. I was taught that being honest was the most important value. It’s the one value that everyone looks at the most. If a person isn’t honest then what kind of person are they.
As I have gotten older I now see the importance of a person’s integrity. People can see what kind of person a person really is within minutes of meeting them. Even if it’s nothing …show more content…
Integrity is viewed in a lot of aspects of life. A person’s integrity is what makes a person successful in life. In today’s society having integrity is very difficult considering that peer pressure is everywhere. Peer pressure is not just for teenagers and children. It’s very prominent in the adult world too. People having a strong integrity is having the strength of saying no even when it’s not the popular choice or not breaking your moral code or doing something that you would find demeaning. People with integrity don’t do the things they do for attention or recognition; hence, they do them because it’s the right thing to do. Which isn’t always the easy or popular choice. Unfortunately, today it doesn’t seem as though people are teaching kids these simple values. Today’s kids are very disrespectful and very unwilling to learn the values that would make them successful. These are all tests of a strong