What Are The Similarities Between Jamaica And Usa

Brilliant Essays
Jasmin Esparza


English 12

10 May 2015

Jamaica and USA

While always having an interest about learning different culture 's coming across this one country that is known by either bad perspectives and influence in particular ideas it has adopted. It is very important to demonstrate that Jamaica is not a bad place to visit but in the contrary to demonstrate that it 's one of the most welcoming countries. When actually taking to consideration this country you get to realize that many things they are accustomed to are very similar to the U.S. and in the same way very different. When fishing through all the background information you realize that Jamaica is like a cousin to the U.S. It is important to demonstrate the beauty Jamaica has as a country and the similarities
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According to an article in CultureGram, Men are to fulfill the role of the breadwinner and primary disciplinarian and women 's responsibilities are to be home in charge of the housework and the children. It is very similar to the United States gender role as well because it was always said the men are the ones who are responsible for providing for their family. It has change over time where either country gender roles have change by a variety of aspects. Women nowadays don’t tend to be home much but instead having a job outside of home. Another was there are similar is how women have had high education than men. Before women having the opportunity to work for themselves and provide men had been the only ones with an education. In the same article it states how some non-traditional jobs for when are construction or engineering most of the traditional jobs are being a nurse, lawyer, teacher, etc.. In the United States they a great similarity on how women have gain their freedom in a way. Women and men are seen to share children tasks and responsibility around the

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