According to Longley (N.D) to protect yourself from giving a false confession one can plead the Fifth Amendment right. (A) The first step in preventing a false confession after being Mirandized is to tell the authorities that I wish to remain silent until I have an attorney present. (B) the second step would be to inform the authorities that my attorney advised me not to talk with the authorities during his or her absent to protected myself from self-incrimination.
2. Chapter 10 describes four goals that motivate people …show more content…
According to Fields (ND), people are motivated to be prejudiced because of their membership to a particular group. 2. People are also motivated to be prejudiced of others because of traumatic event experienced. 3. Conforming to group norm also motivates people to be prejudiced to others. 4. People are motivated to be prejudiced base on the perception that others in the out-group are more similar to each other than the members of the in-group are.
(1) Original example of a prejudice behavior that is motivated by at least two (2) of the goals
A. The Canada Revenue Agency gives my wife Canada child tax and other benefits instead of giving it to me because they think women work less than men. B. At work, management prefers to hire ages 30 and above because they think younger workers are less serious about working.
3. Imagine the following scenario. Your good friends have been married for several years and are currently having trouble in their relationship. Describe at least three (3) pieces of advice that you would give to the couple. Provide at least one (1) supporting theory for each piece of advice.
The advised I would give is (A) Respect and loves each other unconditionally.