What Are Romeo And Juliet's Poor Decisions

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To begin, Romeo and Juliet's downfall is a result of their own poor decisions, or character flaws because they could have prevented deaths. Romeo and Juliet's poor decision were the cause of many lives taken from the city of Verona. Tybalt was insisting on fighting Romeo, but Romeo refused. Because Romeo does not want to fight Tybalt, Mercutio does not like his response and sees it as if Romeo is letting Tybalt win. He believes that Romeo should defend his honor and since in his eyes Romeo is not defending his honor, he decides to defend Romeo's honor by drawing his sword. Romeo says, “This gentleman, the Prince's near ally, / My very friend, hath got this mortal hurt / In my behalf- my reputation stain’d / With Tybalt's slander-” (Shakespeare …show more content…
His way of getting revenge for Mercutio's death was to fight Tybalt and make him pay for what he did. Romeo got what he wanted and fought Tybalt. Benvolio states, “Romeo, away, be gone! / The citizens are up, and Tybalt slain” (Shakespeare 59, lines 134-135). Benvolio is telling Romeo that there are citizens around and he should leave now because he killed Tybalt. As a result of Romeo killing Tybalt, Romeo had to vanish and leave Juliet behind. The Friar had a plan to reunite Romeo and Juliet. The plan consisted of Juliet taken a sleeping potion and be placed in a tomb. Romeo went to Juliet's tomb, where Paris had found him there. He believed that the reason Romeo is there is to do villainous shame to the bodies. Romeo was telling Paris not to provoke him, but Paris seems to not listen. Because Paris was provoking Romeo, they fight. Paris says, “O I am slain! If thou be merciful,” (Shakespeare 99, line 72). The end result of their fight was that Romeo killed Paris. If Juliet did not drink the potion perhaps Romeo would have never believed what Baltasar said about her being dead and not have killed himself. When Juliet awakes she sees that Romeo died and stabs herself with Romeo's

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