Well-Behaved Women Rarely Make History Analysis

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Women are not as important as men historically. After all, Ulrich had a great understanding when she mentioned “Many people think women are less visible in history than men because their bodies impel them to nurture” (Ulrich 658). Women are a part of history and will always change the idea of how women should be rather than what they want to be, In Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History, Ulrich effectively argues that women who challenge stereotypes of female expectations are likely to be remembered.
Well-Behaved Women Seldom make history… To make history is to do something memorable and broad enough to be recognized and influence the flow of history. However that doesn’t mean people have to misbehave in order to stake a claim or be memorable.
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By adding vulgar lines in her scripts, she was made an icon for her intelligence and sex-appeal. And yet, Mae became the face of a fantasy, Ulrich quoted Variety to support the rebelling as “Variety complained that “Mae couldn’t sing a lullaby without making it sexy.”” (Ulrich 660) Therefore an effective reference was supported. To describe the rebellious historical background that Mae West is far from behaving in the faces of society. Rather than being what she was expected to be, Ulrich’s illustration showing West smoking a cigarette added more of a thought process into why the picture was added. What woman smoked in the 1930’s? That’s another day. As well as Mae West, Rosa Parks was just a simple woman who took part in changing the face of segregation by refusing to move to the back of the bus when told by a white man. As for the illustration of Rosa Parks, it could have multiple meanings in her mugshot, like the smile/half smirk while being processed, makes a person wonder what the motive was or what she was feeling at the time. Rosa Parks’ action took an excellence in history, but that the same time, it made a stand for people to rebel against the whites for their rights. Finally, Martha Ballard made history by writing in the diary she kept, containing stories and powerful words about a murder that a judge had committed. As Ulrich was describing Martha Ballard’s diary and her actions that

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