Most people know about walt disney as this huge man who began this multi billion dollar company that a wide range of ages know of today, but not many know of what happened behind the scenes.A Lot of his trouble happened when he was younger starting on the farm where he grew up. Raised by a father who was quite demanding and very strict when it came to anything that Walt Disney did in his life;therefor, walt Disney was raised as a winner and was very good at setting goals and achieving them.Working on the farm Walt Disney was very misunderstood as a kid, he was just known as a farmer;however, when he was younger drawing the farm and stress helped him cope with his life. And as he got older his love for the arts grew As Walt Disney got older he wanted to go into the army, but was denied because he lied about his age; even though, all he wanted to do was fight for our country, he powered through and decided to go to college. After going to school, he decided he wanted to go into films because most loved talkies(a movie with a soundtrack, as distinct from a silent film)He wanted to be different from others because that was what he was used to. He had a lot of trouble avoiding these people, but went around them and straight on the road to fame threw animations.During his career, he had a lot of trouble with the country everyone loved his work “It was the man behind the mouse that everyone …show more content…
This demonstrates how Walt Disney was contrary to a good person. Growing up on the farm Walt's father was very strict when it came to school, and work; furthermore, walt did not particularly manage well with his father. So when he was a father- he did not let his daughter go out at night, hang out with certain people, or even go to some school dances- multiple people claimed him to be a hypocrite because of the was his father treated him and the way he treated his daughter. As Walt got older into his late teens and early twenties right away when he started his company his employees went on strike because of the working conditions they were given. They protested for many days and won! Walt was then on covers of newspapers and was labeled as an inadequate boss. After the strike Walt gave his employees what they wanted but did not trust them as much and treated them with little respect and ability to work freely in the office. Later in his life when he was more of a father and striving business owner, but a lot happens not just in the work area but outside of work. As soon as Walt had enough money he snatched up a beautiful house on the market for his parents to live near him, but a year later the house had a tragic fire, due to a gas leak, and his mother died inside.Most said that Walt didn't do his