Dr. Uwe Matulovic is the CIO of Volkswagen of America. He is helping to turn around an organization that has historically had problems with IT. There was a point in which they almost completely outsourced IT and only had 10 internal IT employees. This is the third attempt VWoA has made to make an internal IT group that governs IT.
Define acronyms BPTO, DBC, ITSC, PMO, NRG and explain.
NRG stands for Next Round Growth. CEO Gerd Klauss started this program to help with the increase in number of vehicles that would be imported into Canada and the United States. In
2002, they were going from importing nine models to 22. The program’s objective was to define goal, function, and organizational changes required to support …show more content…
This was a group of senior business and IT representatives that would help guide and approve the process if IT project selection and prioritization.
DBC stands for Digital Business Council. The DBC were representatives from the eBusiness teams within each business unit. Their job was to categorize projects based on their business impact and how they aligned with goals.
What is your assessment of the new process for managing priorities at Volkswagen of America?
Are the criticisms justified? Is it an improvement over the old process?
Overall I like the new process. I like how it involves the right people to make decisions on the projects. It creates a very collaborative approach with all the different steering committees and teams it brings to work together. I also believe it answers all the right questions that should be asked on if an IT project should be funded and what priority it should have. I believe the criticisms are justified because an important project did get left out. I don’t believe this was a flaw in
Matulovic’s process as much as the company placing too much power within a division of the company. This IT group should be outside of VWoA so they can take a more macro look at …show more content…
It is no longer the wild wild west. I do believe the order he brought to the process is an improvement. Who controls the budgets from which IT projects are funded at Volkswagen of America? Who should control these budgets? Should IT department have its own budget?
Matulovic and his team control the budget for IT projects at VWoA. Matulovic ultimately has the final say. I believe Matulovic should control the budget because he can focus on IT that serves the company rather than one business unit. I believe it’s important for the person controlling the
IT budget to not have a bias. The IT department should have its own budget. IT should have its own budget because they need to be able to fund projects that touch different areas of the businesses. IT projects may not all be in one group. This allows IT to fund projects without having to worry about getting kickback because the project may not fully benefit a business unit.
How should Matulovic respond to his fellow executives who are calling to ask him for special treatment outside the new priority management system?
He should do his best to get them to buy into the process. He needs to be able to get them