Analysis Of Tell-Tale Heart By Eger Allan Poe

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Stories can be used to teach natural phenomenon or pure entertainment. Eger Allan Poe tells stories in a dark mood. Poe’s story, “Tell-Tale Heart,” has violence and that the murder confessed. Poe is known to write his stories with the good use of imagery and foreshadowing. Today the violence in the United States ranges from fight to mass terrorist attacks. The U.S. has a high violence percentage, but many researchers try to identify what caused the people to become violent. Many people blame the violence on mass media and entertainment. The reason that people say that is because over 98% of American have 2-3 television or computer (Society in Focus 97.) If people did not like violent movies, there would be no need for the movies. The …show more content…
Entertainment Merchants Association, there was not sufficient information to prove that violence causes aggression. They found out that violent media has positive benefits that most people would not have known. There is eSport, which is also known as electronic sports, has been gaining a lot of popularity. When making theses game the average cost per game is fifty dollars; so, it makes revenue. Also, movies, shows, video games, and any form of media that show violence can help the society, because it forms a community that is very current in this time. In ancient Rome, they had gory fights to the death as entertainment. Violence has been used throughout history as a source of entertainment; this era has a new approach to it, that is safer. Media that show violence is beneficial for the community, personality changes, and stress …show more content…
In society, violence is pictured as a horrible thing, which is why advertisers do not use it. In a text called Society in Focus, they mention a researcher that said people who view violent movies or shows release their aggression while watching rather than performing the action themselves. People watch boxing or wrestling to see violence because it is a form of distracting the mind from what is irritating. In Las Vegas, a shooter was at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and open fire to a concert. The shooter was Stephen Paddock, and he was a multimillionaire who had a clean record. There was no correlation that he watches violent movies and decide to open fire. Also, a study was done on why adolescent plays violent video games, to determine if it can be a cause violence. The Journal of Adolescent Health concluded that 61.9% of boys played video games because it relaxes them, 47.8% helps them forget their problems, and 45.4% helps them get their anger out. People do not go to the movies to get into a fight, but to relax. Action and horror movies are very popular because the tension that the movie builds. That anxiousness builds up, and when the ending is revealed, it has a satisfying feeling that people would want to watch more movies like that. Same reason why people play video games to get the feeling of power because war based games give a good

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