Vape Research Paper

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Using vape and e-cigarettes is widely seen as a terrible thing and for the most part can be. This invention was first used to stop smoking the combustible traditional cigarette. If this object was used for its original intention it would’ve been a very good thing. However, because it looks so much like the traditional form it was given a bad name. It was seen as the same thing as a traditional after all of the studies came back and said that they all have the same chemicals. This is true to an extent. Some of the chemicals are the same but not all. Traditional cigarettes have thousands of chemicals in them and hundreds are carcinogens. The vape pens don’t have all of those and the ones they do have the potency is exponentially less than what is in a …show more content…
This was in fact not true. Sure, they still have harmful chemicals but the levels in a vape pen or e-cig is far less than any cigarette. These are becoming a huge problem in teens and young adults. One of the biggest problems is the flavors. Young children are being enticed by the candy flavors and the colorful packaging. The ones they have out now are cheap which makes it easier for younger kids to afford them. They are paying older brothers, sisters, adults, and upper classmen at school to buy them. They took away the flavorings besides methanol out of cigarettes to make them less appealing to young kids. These products are meant for adults and not for children or teens. This is a product to give people a safer alternative to smoking a traditional cigarette. If an adult uses this product correctly it can be used to save lives but if it is used incorrectly it can be very harmful to your body. This is not an object to be used for just leisure or a social ‘rite of passage’ this is meant to be a helpful and life saving device but when teens use it incorrectly it is harmful and potentially

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